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 New Posts  Cheap Bait Thread
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Posts: 131
   Old Thread  #130 10 Aug 2006 at 4.48pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
All the links that have been on this thread

Baits Direct

Willow Grange

Trent Baits

Custom Bait Services



Backhurst Bait Supplies

Posts: 7191
   Old Thread  #1 24 Aug 2005 at 12.51pm  0  Login    Register
It seems most of our members would like to know where to get cheaper bait so I thought we should have a sticky thread.

I'll start off - particle and pellets, go to and do a search for animal feed suppliers in your local area.

As for boilies - contact Vision Baits for fieldtesting opportunities

(alternatively ring around the main companies and see if you can do a deal for bulk )

Post away fella's...

NB - Mods will be watching this thread for commercial plugging from people. If any members are found to be blatantly plugging their own or mates bait companies without prior permission from Karlos the member will recieve an immediate ban!
Posts: 191
   Old Thread  #1242 17 Apr 2023 at 11.12am  0  Login    Register
Double post
Posts: 301
   Old Thread  #1241 19 Mar 2021 at 3.56pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1240
Thanks Cam, appreciate you taking the time to reply.
Posts: 6423
   Old Thread  #1240 12 Mar 2021 at 4.27pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1239
Hi Trevor,

So are we allowed to put cheapest boilie/ingredient/bait suppliers forward

By all means add to the thread with any you have.
Not sure we can tidy this up too much as as is pointed out in #1235 this thread is 13 years old, older than both my kids

Although, is it possible to suggest companies without promoting them?

I don't think we have a problem with you suggesting companies yourself. It's the users that just come onto the forum and first post they are plugging their products.
They are usually spotted quite quickly by the MODS. If not by them, we have plenty of super-sleuth members on here that are quick to point them out.
Posts: 301
   Old Thread  #1239 12 Mar 2021 at 7.05am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1
Re open old thread, As, imo this is the best fishing forum in uk, shouldnt this list be updated? Many of the names mentioned are not available anymore. So are we allowed to put cheapest boilie/ingredient/bait suppliers forward? Although, is it possible to suggest companys without promoting them?
Posts: 193
   Old Thread  #1235 21 Nov 2018 at 3.29am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1
is this the oldest thread on the forum? 13 years old and still going strong - seems like a lifetiume ago
Posts: 6409
   Old Thread  #1234 13 Oct 2018 at 8.09am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1232
good one!
Posts: 19
   Old Thread  #1233 12 Oct 2018 at 5.38pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1222
Posts: 19
   Old Thread  #1232 12 Oct 2018 at 5.37pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1222
plus one for Cherrycarp baits, a great up and coming company with VERY friendly and knowledgeable staff. average Circa £7.00 per kilo
Posts: 1404
   Old Thread  #1231 4 Sept 2018 at 5.53pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1226
The relevance of that being??
Posts: 938
   Old Thread  #1229 27 Jul 2018 at 11.06am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1
Just because a bait has a well known name on the bag, It doesn't mean it's a good fish attractor, or wholesome for their consumption. I have more time for people in the Koi world these days.
Posts: 10
   Old Thread  #1228 1 Oct 2017 at 1.20pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1218
Always good to have a spicy option in the bait bag. I've been using curry powder for years. Started mixing a bit of chilli in with it recently & the fish definitely like it!
Posts: 21
   Old Thread  #1227 13 Sept 2017 at 10.04am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #130
I use Blakes Krinella £120 for 20
kilos. So £6 a kilo they do pellets ,glugs ,pop ups ,particles good bait at a good price.
Posts: 1404
   Old Thread  #1225 20 May 2017 at 8.47am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1223
So if you give them bait that costs £12 a kilo it automatically does them good? Think someone has been caught by the marketing spiel of the big bait firms.
Posts: 883
   Old Thread  #1224 19 May 2017 at 11.54am  0  Login    Register
Carp do just fine if eating a cheaper bait.

then someone shows up with a better quality bait and the fish quickly show a preference.
Posts: 52
   Old Thread  #1223 18 May 2017 at 11.02pm  0  Login    Register
don't use cheap bait, think of the carp's health just think how crap we feel after we've stuffed are faces with poor quality food? bad guts ect
Posts: 12
   Old Thread  #1222 17 Jan 2017 at 7.46am  0  Login    Register
if anyone is looking for good quality cheap baits then try Cherrycarp they are doing some excellent deals at the moment
Posts: 48
   Old Thread  #1221 26 Sept 2016 at 0.00am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #150
Posts: 223
   Old Thread  #1220 5 Mar 2016 at 10.35pm  0  Login    Register
Berzin sound like a right legend

You should take more notice of him
Posts: 51
   Old Thread  #1219 13 Feb 2016 at 8.52pm  0  Login    Register
I don't really do cheap bait any more. Never liked or rated particles much, hate the stink and mess basically, and gone right off pellets. Pellets can at times be deadly, especially in the later months before the freeze up, but are too inconsistent for me and I feel that on some waters they are just done to death and blown a bit. They aren't very nice for fish either, far too fatty.
There are some great low oil pellets about though, headed of course by Sticky Baits lovely award winning ones..

I have a bit of a special mix of one or two fine delicacy type foods that are very unusual in carp circles and I put them in a mix with one or two twists that I have developed over the years with two different crumbed premium fresh frozen boilies from two completely different bait companies (which is something I very rarely hear of people doing).. both are unusual boilies, and both are new on the scene, one is very new.. they seem to work magic together and switch the carp on.

I don't use any potions, mainly because I'm on a budget but I found that glugs can often work against you. I prefer to mix up my own ''glug'' of sorts using hemp juice and one or two things from the kitchen cupboard

I made sure I told the bailiff what I was using without telling him my whole mix as he doesn't need to know the other stuff what with it being the usual acceptable frozen boilies etc. and asked him to keep it quiet and if the stuff was acceptable. I got the green light from them. I told him that as it was so dear I hardly use much.

I've baited very light for some years now and found I like the softly softly approach anyway.

I think that with the rising costs of fishmeals and overfishing of krill etc. in the news recently we all need to be aware of these things and take our bait a bit under our own wing as it were.. I mean use your imagination, be different, and experiment with making up some mixes not always going down the premium expensive fishy readymade route.

Most of the top companies provide very simple 50/50 type base mixes and suggestions and they are of course a brilliant starting point, they are often very happy to help people interested in their gear, just ring them up, appreciate that they are busy, be polite and ask them for a quick simple mix. They have all sorts of nice ideas of their own personal use and you would be amazed what neat little edges you can gain, tweaking a bit of this with a bit of that, off the radar little tips. Don't forget these people work with bait day in day out and are all experts. I particularly like emailing Gary Bayes, he is so down to Earth and friendly and helpful, a real mine of knowledge.
The trick is don't be tempted to go on at these people too much and be cheeky as they are very busy trying to help masses of people just like you

Get imaginative and be different with boilies is my advice, like I said cheap baits like particles and pellets are not the way forward in my opinion. If you are on a budget, continue buying the top gear but just use less of it.
Posts: 221
   Old Thread  #1218 26 Nov 2015 at 10.24pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1213
I forgot, don't forget to try adding Chili flakes or powder just for a change.

Posts: 3289
   Old Thread  #1216 25 Jan 2015 at 7.16pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #130
Shame he dosent do an out and out fishmeal bait
Posts: 221
   Old Thread  #1215 26 Nov 2014 at 9.48pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1214
I'm one of the old fogeys that turn out their own baits rather than buy them ready made, and a quick check has shown that they can work out at under £2.50 per kg of dry mix. Chuck in 9 eggs per kg (Farm Foods per pack of 15), and a little Cod Liver Oil (Tesco's), and that gives around £3.54 per kilo.

However that is dry weight, a kilo of dry mix yields quite a lot more than a kilo of baits, more like 25% more due to the weight of the eggs, oil, and the water that the baits absorb during the boiling process. So that means you can knock up a kilo of reasonable Fishmeal baits for around £2.70 per kilo, and as the advert goes, the feeling you get from using your own baits..... "priceless".

Posts: 3
   Old Thread  #1214 14 Sept 2014 at 3.27pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #130
I use LF Baits

there also looking for testers !!

monthly deals on baits and cheap 2 !!
Posts: 221
   Old Thread  #1213 11 Sept 2014 at 8.51pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1206
If you are using a good Pigeon Conditioner there wont be any maize in it, (try Bucktons), so if you boil it for that long you will turn a good many of the small seeds to mush. We are only talking match head size seeds here after all.
Simply cover your Conditioner with boiling water, snap on the bucket lid, and the next morning you will have a beautifully prepared Particle mix.
Add Salt or sugar after you have prepared your seeds.

Posts: 3407
   Old Thread  #1212 27 Jan 2014 at 10.00am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1211
Lol, I know terrible - slap on the hand
Posts: 11403
   Old Thread  #1211 27 Jan 2014 at 9.58am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1209
come on Rab...wake up
Posts: 3407
   Old Thread  #1210 27 Jan 2014 at 9.52am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1209
I'm having PC issues mate - reading from my iPhone - loaded it as a new message , don't think I'll be getting a reply to that then ,
Posts: 3407
   Old Thread  #1208 27 Jan 2014 at 9.43am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #49
Lol, is this Paul from Active bait solutions , formerly destiny baits
Posts: 132
   Old Thread  #1207 26 Jan 2014 at 7.10pm  0  Login    Register
I haven't used them before but blakes baits seem very cheap.
they have lots of boilies , pellets and a lot more.
I would say if you're stalking, I would buy the most complicated and expensive bait out there - value sweetcorn.
The cheaper the better.
1kilo bag will last a while and can cost £1 or so
Posts: 8
   Old Thread  #1206 30 Nov 2013 at 12.37pm  0  Login    Register
I don't if some else has already has said this but carp nut on twitter gave me a great idea for a particle mix, its pigeon conditioner, boil for 20/30 mins/ add sugar and salt and leave in a air sealed bucket for at least 3 days and i have to say the results amazed me, its well worth a try and is very cheap!
Posts: 4
   Old Thread  #1204 4 Aug 2013 at 12.41pm  0  Login    Register
I put up marquees for a living and when taking them down from country fairs there are always part open sacks of feed left around, you can guess I don't leave them there for long :-)
Posts: 5
   Old Thread  #1201 9 May 2013 at 2.34pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1195
What flavors do you do as im happy to buy some
Posts: 10
   Old Thread  #1200 24 Apr 2013 at 5.24pm  0  Login    Register
Some good link there's.. Cheers lads
Posts: 2946
   Old Thread  #1198 30 Jan 2013 at 7.25pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1197
Found some good cheap basemix ingredients at Feedstim Much cheaper than other sources i´ve tried. Definately helps to lower the cost, if rolling your own bait on a wide scale
Posts: 438
   Old Thread  #1197 30 Dec 2012 at 3.55pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1195
Anyone know where I could buy some dynamite baits boilers in bulk, I'm after some mis shapes if they still do them cheaper any help pm me please
Posts: 52
   Old Thread  #1195 16 Jun 2012 at 3.00pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1191
I've been rolling my own boilie for a while now, i'm currently mixing a HNV Nut Blend for less than £4.00 a kilo (cost) that's consistently outperforming well known branded baits on a couple of my local waters.
Admittedly, there's a lot more time and effort involved than simply picking up a few bags of Mainline in your local tackle shop, but you reap what you sow in my opinion.
Posts: 37
   Old Thread  #1194 15 Jun 2012 at 2.01pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1185
try mixin the fish with a cheep base mix, i assume u live on ya own no girlfriend !?
Posts: 51
   Old Thread  #1192 19 Feb 2012 at 8.52pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #130
Maples and tares, cheap and very much underated nowadays, as are good old chickpeas !
Posts: 12
   Old Thread  #1191 19 Feb 2012 at 4.29am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1
in my eyes if you after cheep bait then its get to your local pet serpliys as thay do cheep hemp maize and other stuff but if its bollie then get your self in to a tackle shop spend some time getin to now the owner and get a bulk bye of him then you might start getin dels that way or look for feild testing baits but you will still have to pay for it but it will be lots cheeper than in the shops i field test for ocean fresh thay got great deals at the min so have a look pal on there hope this helps out
Posts: 1243
   Old Thread  #1185 31 Jan 2012 at 5.32pm  0  Login    Register
Ive just started making my own boilies and they work just fine. I buy a ready base mix from a local bait specialist for 2.50 per kg and go from there. Today i blended tinned tuna, sardines and mackeral together with my eggs, a good splash of tabasco, some chilli flakes and some salmon oil. My house smells vile but the boilies look great! Once you have all the gear to make them it doesnt take long and i get about 2 kg for 6 quid. You can make what ever flavour you fancy, im toying with the idea of some cooked like meatballs in a chilli con carne with the beans and everything for spodding
Posts: 22
   Old Thread  #1184 30 Jan 2012 at 10.51pm  0  Login    Register
Perfection groundbaits discount their bait, start at 7quid and get down to 5quid the more you buy
Posts: 350
   Old Thread  #1183 5 Jan 2012 at 10.22pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1182
atomic baits r doing a great deal 5k boilys gluged hookers and popups 30 pound ive got the sx quaility bait been doing well everywhere
Posts: 39
   Old Thread  #1182 9 Dec 2011 at 11.21pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1166
Guys have a look on KENT PARTICALS site they do a credit crunch bollie thats very good, my mate had the big plated mirror from linear on it this year, and that aint no mug fish as im sure you will appreciate.Anyway hope this is helpfull for someone...matt
Posts: 39
   Old Thread  #1181 9 Dec 2011 at 11.18pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1175
cant beat sweet corn cheap as chips and works all year round,
Posts: 5
   Old Thread  #1180 7 Dec 2011 at 0.02am  0  Login    Register
Active bait solutions do some quality baits and they
are £6 a kilo
Posts: 22735
   Old Thread  #1179 5 Dec 2011 at 10.04pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1178
Dodgy johns caravan.........
Posts: 101
   Old Thread  #1178 5 Dec 2011 at 9.24pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1177
anyone know where i can get essential baits cheap?
Posts: 28
   Old Thread  #1177 30 Nov 2011 at 12.39pm  0  Login    Register
In essex we have a number of companies (non fishing) that sell boilies one such farm shop called marriages i would recommend .they are in chelmsford (on the one way system next door to tescos )and i think a kilo of boilies are £8 another shop (tackle ) which i can recommend also is in Russel way chelmsford.Big fish tackle and they are opened 7 days a week. they will be haveing a late opening once a week. please check for details.. not shure if marriages are open sundays but are open the rest of the week. Neither shop does deals on large amounts. But at those prices you can go wrong particular when you want a couple of kilos at a time. (maybe worht giving them a ring anyway)
Posts: 979
   Old Thread  #1176 10 Sept 2011 at 9.37am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1174
heard you had a 45 rich was it on trent baits
Posts: 11
   Old Thread  #1174 6 Sept 2011 at 11.33pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1171
hi mate could you tell me where i can buy cheap bait from just that i am buying 50k every four month and fed up paying shop prices . thanks martin
Posts: 524
   Old Thread  #1173 29 Aug 2011 at 9.51pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1170
Best bait to use is a bait that you make your self a lot cheaper than buying baits from some of these companys also you can afford to use more as your costs will be less. Buy Being differnt and not following everone else this can also at times give you an edge. When you make your own bait you start to see how much money these companys are making .Dolton
Posts: 976
   Old Thread  #1170 2 Aug 2011 at 12.30pm  0  Login    Register
Richworth Frozen Tutti's for me, but leave them to defrost for a day before using, they ooze attraction and never failed me yet, even when times are tough!!


Oops posted on wrong thread!!
Posts: 223
   Old Thread  #1169 16 Jul 2011 at 7.48pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #229
Top tip, make yor own boilies. I put a base mix together and add some top flavours, all for 3.50 a kilo, competes wiv the main baits as well, at a fraction of the.price. one of the best bits is that wen I bait up with 30 kilos over the.course of a season it costs 95 quid instead of 300, if yor paying the ship prices!! Quite a difference. If yor interested take a luk at the cc Moore site for a few build yor own base.mix.ideas. happy hunting!
Posts: 16
   Old Thread  #1168 24 Jun 2011 at 2.28pm  0  Login    Register
Second post since joining the forum so be gentle lol I may be teaching some of you old carpers to suck eggs here but has any one tried the old trick of soaking there Bollie or baits in C S L? work's a treat. I have had many successes on this method. I use well known baits Mailine, CC moore, but I dont think they are any better than a brilliant locally produced bait that I cannot beat.
On a recent rip to a local lake I shared the C S L soaked local bait I had with a retired gent and a young wippersnapper who because of his age could not afford the well know baits. I caught several to 12lb not big I know but pleasurable the older gent caught a very nice 18lb common and the lad who had only fished twice before had a beautifully marked Mirror of 23lb. it was quite noticable to me that the half of the lake that was fishing with CSL soaked baits caught and the other half of the lake fishing with just boille had to my knowledge nought. Coincidenc I have no idea. But just recently I fished my lake with a bait that I had been waiting a very long time to come out 2hrs with out a sniff I retreived the bait replaced with a CSL soaked boillie 10mins and the run produced a 18lb Common the bait was in exactly the same place as the one I retreived. re baiting and a further run 20mins later produced a huge fish that I was unable to land coincidence again I dont know.
Posts: 477
   Old Thread  #1167 22 Jun 2011 at 2.24pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1166
Tesco are selling Hemp oil for £5.99 - called good oil

Check it out
Posts: 16
   Old Thread  #1166 21 Jun 2011 at 11.44am  0  Login    Register
I struggle to afford high quaility baits But I manage to cut the costs by making every pva bag of boilies count.. Find the fish before you put your bait out !

instead of glug i use cheap Additives like chilli powder, onions , garlic , salt , coffeemate and if used right can be as deadly as any shop bought attractor.

Plastic corn presented over a small handfull of canned sweetcorn is the obvious one but try tinned kidney beans hair rigged in the margins ! dont know what it is that they like or whether they see it as a safe food , all I know is it works and they will remain in the area long after they have eaten the last bean.

Tight lines

Posts: 2996
   Old Thread  #1164 24 May 2011 at 11.46pm  0  Login    Register
Does this thread hold the record for the most messages suppressed and people being banned? On the bait front fish the best bait you can afford and if that means cutting back so be it.
Posts: 5441
   Old Thread  #1163 23 May 2011 at 11.27am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1161
Jon, you should be aware that your posts could well be construed as spam and you will need an advertising deal to post what you have been doing
Posts: 6
   Old Thread  #1160 17 May 2011 at 9.08pm  0  Login    Register
Hi any one know anything about Carp Bait UK
Posts: 1680
   Old Thread  #1159 4 Apr 2011 at 11.25pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1158
He says that it only run until the 31/8/10 mate thats probably why it aint on there website
Posts: 9
   Old Thread  #1158 4 Apr 2011 at 1.04pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #231
hi mate ,where did you see the promotion for premier baits bait at £5 per kg as this as its not on there website !!
Posts: 199
   Old Thread  #231 18 Aug 2010 at 9.40am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
Premier baits SALE £5 a kilo on all freezer boillies 14mill up untill 31/8.
Posts: 1
   Old Thread  #229 30 May 2010 at 7.57pm  0  Login    Register
I would just like to add a website that I'm very loyal to because they are great with customer service as well as their products. They are local to me but deliver almost anywhere! =)

Hope you enjoy using them!
Posts: 20
   Old Thread  #228 29 May 2010 at 6.36pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
Anyone used the pellets from PM ??
If so any good?
Posts: 4
   Old Thread  #227 3 May 2010 at 5.28pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #224
hope there shelf life i took there pro pine with me to france and waisted 5kg of them. had to buy there bait when there which they charged me......lots!!!
Posts: 4
   Old Thread  #226 3 May 2010 at 5.25pm  0  Login    Register
HELP..... looking to be a field tester ny idea's ANYONE>>>>>>>pls??????
Posts: 59
   Old Thread  #224 23 Apr 2010 at 8.19pm  0  Login    Register
I've just bought 10Kg of mixed boilies from The Bait and Feed Company at £35 plus postage which are mainstream boilies of assorted flavours and sizes and look and smell well worth a go.
Posts: 5835
   Old Thread  #223 21 Apr 2010 at 10.01am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #222
Copdock mill do all sorts here's the retail price list

here's the website add
Posts: 13016
   Old Thread  #222 30 Mar 2010 at 2.04pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #221
no spamming
Posts: 2663
   Old Thread  #220 12 Feb 2010 at 4.40pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #219
great priced parties
Posts: 2663
   Old Thread  #219 12 Feb 2010 at 0.34am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
Posts: 161
   Old Thread  #217 30 Sept 2009 at 8.20pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
bamfords in much hool (Leyland) IS ALSO A GOOD SUPPLIER
Posts: 1409
   Old Thread  #216 30 Sept 2009 at 9.57am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
just ordered some bait from vision looks amazing the samples he sent ocean protien
Posts: 1
   Old Thread  #214 14 Aug 2009 at 10.20am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
try the baits are good there do geff bowers baits as well boys
Posts: 63
   Old Thread  #212 30 Jul 2009 at 10.09pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
what website will be cheapest for 25kilo of hemp or parti-blend, dry.
Posts: 9
   Old Thread  #211 5 Dec 2008 at 11.32pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #207
Posts: 301
   Old Thread  #210 3 Oct 2008 at 1.51pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
I have been using Catcherbaits Crab'n'Fruit all year round, its very reasonable and works on the waters I've used it on,including France.
Posts: 19
   Old Thread  #209 15 Sept 2008 at 8.52pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
Posts: 2
   Old Thread  #208 15 Sept 2008 at 3.58pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
Hi Jamie
I've found some cheap bait on the Mistral site and go to 'products' they have some special offers. I got some Cavier & Black pepper they stunk my car out!
Posts: 2
   Old Thread  #207 9 Sept 2008 at 2.43pm  0  Login    Register
I have just found a 'special offers' section on the Mistral web site 10kgs for £35
Posts: 2
   Old Thread  #206 8 Sept 2008 at 2.19pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
i find homemade bait and curry powder the best mate
Posts: 2
   Old Thread  #205 8 Sept 2008 at 2.19pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
i find homemade bait and curry powder the best mate
Posts: 166
   Old Thread  #204 1 Sept 2008 at 1.57pm  0  Login    Register
try coppins pellits they are an ace base mix when uyou are tight for cash.
i think 25 kilo works out bout 28 pound
Posts: 1651
   Old Thread  #203 2 Aug 2008 at 0.50am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
anyone from PM Pellets on here?

or has anyone used them?
Posts: 39
   Old Thread  #202 1 Aug 2008 at 11.04am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
every 1s posting how much cheap bait they can get but are you guys getting the results on it?
Posts: 2806
   Old Thread  #201 7 Jul 2008 at 0.43am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #184
alright mate try
Posts: 2806
   Old Thread  #200 7 Jul 2008 at 0.37am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #189
alright these do soya flour mate
Posts: 10
   Old Thread  #199 17 Jun 2008 at 4.29pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #198
im new to carp really but i have used alot of bait and methods to see which did get me to most and almost every place i fished what did the best is sweetcorn its very cheap so you can get a nice carpet out there and me and my mate had 10 runs and we didnt even go for long with just one tin just shame we didnt land them all

Posts: 4
   Old Thread  #198 17 Jun 2008 at 1.50pm  0  Login    Register
im new to carp really but i have used alot of bait and methods to see which did get me to most and almost every place i fished what did the best is sweetcorn its very cheap so you can get a nice carpet out there and me and my mate had 10 runs and we didnt even go for long with just one tin just shame we didnt land them all
Posts: 2542
   Old Thread  #197 17 Jun 2008 at 12.34pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #196
im on boiled eggs now, dipped in strawberry WTF
Posts: 3375
   Old Thread  #196 16 Jun 2008 at 8.31pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #195
Posts: 52
   Old Thread  #195 16 Jun 2008 at 6.53pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
im on boiled eggs now, dipped in strawberry
Posts: 66
   Old Thread  #194 7 Apr 2008 at 9.20pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #193
chicken feed with molases, mixed with the usual secret things does the trick every time. can get kilos of the stuff on the cheap aswell from most animal feed shops!
Posts: 25
   Old Thread  #193 27 Mar 2008 at 12.35pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #188
give me a rought idea of what you have Terey
Posts: 369
   Old Thread  #192 21 Mar 2008 at 8.29pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
I think this is quit a bargan that when,,, you buy them nash carp monster pellets that you can buy a 15 KG bucket and normaly a cheep bag of pellets which is about a £1.

And i was looking in my mates magazine today and he was showing me this place where you can have a deal and order 10 KG of bolies for £60 and normaly 1 KG of bolies is about £10.

And for me of the amount of bait i use somtimes i come home and i have used all the bolies i have taken and somtimes... I go and come home with more about only used less than half a bag depending on how hungry the fish seem to be.... Like when the fishing is fishing well i think it is best to feed a bit and if it is not fishing as well i think it is best to put some feed in.... BUt what i normaly do is i get there and after the first morning if i havn't caught try feeding a bit to see if that helps,,,,,, and it somtimes dose!!!!!!!!
Posts: 27
   Old Thread  #191 6 Mar 2008 at 4.11pm  0  Login    Register
ANy1 know any Winter Baits lyk wat flavour bollies?
Posts: 7
   Old Thread  #190 27 Feb 2008 at 6.07pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
hi m8 does eneyone no of a bait that smell like tiger nut nut has a tint of orange in it (boillies)

thank paul
Posts: 2
   Old Thread  #189 21 Feb 2008 at 9.23am  0  Login    Register
Anybody got any ideas for bulk ingredients have managed to find most ingredients but have really struggled to find Soya Flour in large quantity.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Posts: 2
   Old Thread  #188 18 Feb 2008 at 8.36am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2
hi guys ive just closed a tackle shop down and have loads of boilies for sale cheap pm me or look in the classifieds section

Posts: 25
   Old Thread  #187 10 Feb 2008 at 9.37pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
Try vitalin, brilliant and versatile. Can be used on the method, spod it out or ball it out. I bought 15 kg for £11. But make sure it is original. Also, try anything with a simlar titel to pigeon deluxe, got plenty of particles like chick peas, nuts, tares n so on, just make sure it is prepared properly.
Posts: 11
   Old Thread  #186 1 Feb 2008 at 0.11am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2
hi mate im after 30 kilo active 8 can you do a good price
Posts: 3374
   Old Thread  #185 29 Jan 2008 at 10.50am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #184
What do you mean by bulk?
Posts: 3
   Old Thread  #184 29 Jan 2008 at 10.33am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
Any idea where you can get bulk LT Fishmeals,been trying for a while need someones help .
Posts: 8910
   Old Thread  #183 20 Jan 2008 at 8.36pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #181
You might get a better responce fella if you cut out all the text talk crap as people find it hard to read so dont bother reading it in the first place.
Posts: 279
   Old Thread  #182 19 Jan 2008 at 5.27pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
try the bait and feed company they do cheap baits
Posts: 7
   Old Thread  #181 18 Jan 2008 at 9.41am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #179
i see what u mean, normally i just use jus a boily on a rig but i wont to start using ground bait n am jus wondering where my best bet is to get it cheaply?
Posts: 3374
   Old Thread  #180 18 Jan 2008 at 9.36am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #179
you get wat u pay for really

Thats just not true. Off the top of my head I can easily name half a dozen or more suppliers of top quality baits who charge less than £6/ Kg in sensible quantites. You just have to do a little research to find them
Posts: 7
   Old Thread  #179 18 Jan 2008 at 9.32am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
I think the bad thing about bait more specific boilies, you get wat u pay for really and if u wanted the top of the range latest flavours then be prepared to pay a price.
Posts: 2193
   Old Thread  #178 16 Jan 2008 at 10.01am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #177
Starmer boilies are proper cack and the popups are hard as rocks. Tried, tested then thrown in the bin.
Posts: 343
   Old Thread  #177 6 Dec 2007 at 8.39pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #176
Also Starmer Baits are cheap and quality bought 25 kilo of the bio cp2 for £120 notes best seaon on the river to date.
Posts: 343
   Old Thread  #176 6 Dec 2007 at 8.36pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
In my area there is a shop where i can get loads of different pellet and particles cheap all delivered. Anyone interested i will point them in the right direction just drop me line at and i will sort you out with the link
Posts: 21
   Old Thread  #173 20 Nov 2007 at 11.57pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2
Why not try for cheap quality baits
Posts: 3723
   Old Thread  #172 18 Nov 2007 at 8.43pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
the Bait Warehouse
Posts: 141
   Old Thread  #171 17 Nov 2007 at 3.25pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #170
i had an e-mail from sbs baits this week they have a deal on at moment buy 5kilos and get five free worth a look or call
Posts: 3723
   Old Thread  #170 13 Nov 2007 at 1.39pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
wheres the cheapest place to get hempseed or pigeon conditioner? i dont want to buy bulk, as im not sure how effective its going to be!
Posts: 2
   Old Thread  #165 12 Jul 2007 at 4.58pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #164
you can try broadfeed online for all types of particle and pellet they even do cheap tigernut slime (growler Juice) for about 3 quid a bottle.

i also get quality baits for a good price from individual baits,
Poacher baits are also worth a try as they are really cheap

remember you get what you pay for
Posts: 176
   Old Thread  #164 4 Jul 2007 at 2.09pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
definately check out THE BAIT WAREHOUSE in shepperton. they have great/cheap (but not bad quality) bait. check them out at i use their new website to order, but i rekon they also do phone orders and you can probably buy on the spot. great staff (jim knows his stuff), and they even have some great deals on combined specials of products (i just got the bloodworm boilie session deal).
Posts: 911
   Old Thread  #162 19 Jun 2007 at 0.16am  0  Login    Register
I have been told once that there is somewhere in sandbach, cheshir that sells hemp pellet, intended for hosses, anyone got an address?? or phone number
Posts: 8
   Old Thread  #161 19 Jun 2007 at 0.11am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
Anyone know where I can get cheap maize and pellet in bulk in kent area
Posts: 167
   Old Thread  #155 4 Jun 2007 at 2.54pm  0  Login    Register
Posts: 3
   Old Thread  #153 22 May 2007 at 7.37pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
gjw titmuss the cheapest u will find any type of particle bait trust me multiple magic + aniseed £12.50
etc etc
Posts: 6
   Old Thread  #152 16 May 2007 at 6.07pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #150
Juat been using meat with paprika and chilli powder, that works really well
Posts: 3374
   Old Thread  #150 23 Apr 2007 at 1.46pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #149
ignore me....just passing through
Posts: 355
   Old Thread  #148 20 Mar 2007 at 10.19am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
A litlle bit off subject.. I've just picked up a stainless steel food (boilie) chopper from my local Woolworths for £6 (half price)
Might be worth a look if you're passing one
Posts: 1
   Old Thread  #147 20 Mar 2007 at 7.52am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
hi, this site might help if you're on the lookout for affordable baits:
Posts: 989
   Old Thread  #146 27 Feb 2007 at 3.54pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
anyone know where i can get maize/hemp of the web for cheap and not pay a bomb for postage prices?
Posts: 3
   Old Thread  #142 4 Feb 2007 at 5.11pm  0  Login    Register
Hello, I am from the US and I'm having a hard time figuring out what exactly you use for carp bait. Where I'm from, most people use dough balls or night crawlers. Sometimes when I'm not fishing specifically for carp, and am not carrying the proper bait, but come across a school on a feeding frenzy, usually at a dam, I will use what ever snack food that I am carrying for bait with good results.
Posts: 1041
   Old Thread  #139 25 Jan 2007 at 10.23pm  0  Login    Register
I'm after 50kg+ of Fusion.

Does anyone know the best place to go for a good deal?

Any help much appreciated
Posts: 1154
   Old Thread  #138 25 Jan 2007 at 11.52am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #137
theres some going cheapish on ebay at the mo,worth checking out
Posts: 6360
   Old Thread  #137 18 Jan 2007 at 1.08pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
Can't seem to find any good deals on Nutrabaits basemixes (10kg)...can anyone help? (Big Fish Mix or Hi Nu Val?)
Posts: 31
   Old Thread  #135 7 Nov 2006 at 4.22pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
there are some good bait companies there that i have used and had good success with.
Posts: 6478
   Old Thread  #134 10 Oct 2006 at 11.59am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #133
three bait

Three baits wont last you very long unless they are the everlasting pop-ups!
Posts: 698
   Old Thread  #133 8 Oct 2006 at 6.11pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
any one got any idear where i can get some three bait pleazzzze
Posts: 1041
   Old Thread  #132 25 Sept 2006 at 10.47am  0  Login    Register
Went to the farm feed shop friday to get some pellets, bought the usual carp/coarse pellets and wanted some Ewe nuts/CSL pellets.

Asked the bloke if he had any and he took me straight to CSL pellets, £20 for 20kg.

I said im not paying that i want Ewe nuts/pellets and he says that they hardly contain any CSL?

I believe , from past threads, that ewe nuts are CSL pellets!

So whats going on, was he trying to con me into paying for expensive CSL pellets or what?
Posts: 5589
   Old Thread  #131 1 Sept 2006 at 6.29pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
Darren Conways Vision Baits offer, 10 k for 65 notes great cheap bait, cheers Das,.For anyone who's never met him, he's a real nice, genuine bloke who went out of his way to deliver my baits for me, thanks mate
Posts: 6478
   Old Thread  #129 9 Aug 2006 at 11.00am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
Active Bait Solutions (Geoff Bowers) just make sure you ring him, not email as he doesnt tent to reply to emails
Posts: 7
   Old Thread  #128 9 Aug 2006 at 10.54am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #117
what is layer mash never heard of it
Posts: 137
   Old Thread  #127 14 Jun 2006 at 11.34pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #116
Where is manor farm???????????
Posts: 2
   Old Thread  #126 9 Jun 2006 at 8.23pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #35
Just ordered some stuff online from Titmuss. Good prices and pretty quick delivery too mate. Cheers for that one
Posts: 3374
   Old Thread  #125 30 May 2006 at 7.52am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #120
Read all of for starters
Posts: 3374
   Old Thread  #124 30 May 2006 at 7.49am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #122
They are very popular in the health food shops & they order a lot more than the angling industry do

(talking Tiger Nuts I presume and not Ewe Pellets)

Not around Tunbridge Wells they don't, they can get them but don't stock them unless things have changed in the last 12 months.

Having talked to the biggest growers in Spain last year they gave me a list of all the UK importers and the top 3 where all angling companies Maybe you got your info from one of the other Tiger Nut growers in Spain as there are a lot as the Spainish eat shed loads of the things.
Posts: 1275
   Old Thread  #123 29 May 2006 at 6.10pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #122
what for? to eat?
Posts: 6497
   Old Thread  #122 29 May 2006 at 6.03pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #119
They really only come into this country in any quantity for us fisherman and so there are no mass users like most food ingredients

They are very popular in the health food shops & they order a lot more than the angling industry do.
Posts: 12
   Old Thread  #121 29 May 2006 at 5.59pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #118
can give you a web site to try
Posts: 12
   Old Thread  #120 29 May 2006 at 5.48pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #119
sounds good but where do you get ewe nuts from?
Posts: 3374
   Old Thread  #119 23 May 2006 at 7.47am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #118
What do you mean by 'cheap' Tiger Nuts? They really only come into this country in any quantity for us fisherman and so there are no mass users like most food ingredients so the prices are generally fixed at about £40 a sack.

Some Ewe Nuts are based on Maize Gluten Feed which is made from Corn Steep Liquor . Some are made with Maize Gluten Meal which IS NOT made from Corn Steep Liquor so try and find the former by reading the ingredients on the sack and you will be on to a good cheap attractor pellet
Posts: 97
   Old Thread  #118 22 May 2006 at 12.04pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
Hi guys, I'm after some cheap tiger nuts, if there is such a thing? any ideas?

I've found a place near me that does Ewe Nuts as a substitute for pellets, for £4 per 25kg! Anyone know the base of Ewe Nuts? surely it isn't fishmeal?


Posts: 118
   Old Thread  #117 13 May 2006 at 1.22am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2
Brought 5 litres of molasses and 20kg of layers mash today from Scats for a BIG £10 ! Just wondering what the layers mash would normaly be sold as in the tackle shops? Cheers.
Posts: 6497
   Old Thread  #116 12 May 2006 at 9.53am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
Ignore the prices on the Manor Farm site as the prices in the actual shop itself are average £5 a sack cheaper!!!! I went over there on Wednesday to pick up a couple of sacks of bait & ended up with the back of the Espace bottomed out & only spent £40!

As an example

20Kg Blue Ribbon Pidgeon Conditioner - Web price£13.60 - Shop price £8.60
20Kg Wheat - Web price £9.00 - Shop price £4.00
20Kg Maize - Web Price £11.90 - Shop price £6.90
Posts: 220
   Old Thread  #115 7 May 2006 at 8.54pm  0  Login    Register
try and get friendly with a farmer i get as much wheat, maize,barley and other particles as i want i work on the farm the only trouble with the maize is that you have to take it off the cob by hand which can take a bit of time but if its free then you cant complain really can you.
Posts: 288
   Old Thread  #114 6 May 2006 at 11.17pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #113
it was just in a plain white sack didnt have a name on it but it was in the farm section.
Posts: 11102
   Old Thread  #113 6 May 2006 at 4.53pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #112
Yep thats good! Much better than approx £35 - £30 with a carp label on it

What was it called / labelled as?
Posts: 288
   Old Thread  #112 6 May 2006 at 4.49pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #110
just got back from my local farm/pet food shop and got 25kg of csl pellets for £4 is that good?
Posts: 5263
   Old Thread  #111 9 Apr 2006 at 1.15am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
heres some links that might be useful

fish needs
Posts: 7113
   Old Thread  #109 7 Apr 2006 at 12.05pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #108
Posts: 7113
   Old Thread  #107 7 Apr 2006 at 12.00pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #106
that pellet supplier looks good Dave
Posts: 423
   Old Thread  #106 6 Apr 2006 at 10.41pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
Found this place good for a pidgeon seed mix
and all my hemp etc and order £30 or more (free delivery)

for a Cheeky 1 (dont know how long it`ll last) but can still try, Grab your self the FREE SAMPLE SAMPLE HOOKBAITS (long lastin pellit hookbaits) cost you £2.24 postage but hey you can try b4 you buy
and thanks to the guy who posted PMP pellets
Cheap but not cheap if you know what i meen.I would recommend
the 23kg mixed bag and Liquid (£35.56 Delivered)
Posts: 7113
   Old Thread  #105 3 Apr 2006 at 8.24am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
ok then - Where's the best (as in cheapest ) place i can get some trout pellets mail order??

Am really after medium to large sizes - 6mm up to 15mm ish. (mixed or all one size is ok)

Am after 12.5kgs or maybee 25kg sack depending on price.
Posts: 8753
   Old Thread  #104 3 Apr 2006 at 8.22am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #103

Have a look at their assorted mixes, £17.50 for whole and £20 for 5kg of chopped baits.
Posts: 4614
   Old Thread  #103 2 Apr 2006 at 9.49pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #101
in reply to post 66

Hi anglers,

Have you heard about the selling of rejected boilies from the factories? The waste material created, that is those not hardened in the correct spherical shape, can be bought off bait companies at very little cost, but their irregular shapes and sizes actually make them effective bulk free offerings, or even hookbaits!
Does anybody share any interest in this source of cheap bait?

can anyone give me some more details about how you get this sort of deal?

Posts: 65
   Old Thread  #101 29 Mar 2006 at 1.29pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1000
G"day all I"m new to the site, and would like to thank Jamie for putting up this info.
I am from Australia and enjoy my fishing immensly have been doing well on the local carp population and enjoy all these great tips.
Posts: 23
   Old Thread  #100 26 Mar 2006 at 7.25pm  0  Login    Register
just placed an order with quality baits ,do everything u need 4 a good basemix, necterblend, red band, red factor, krillmeal etc prices not 2 bad. any 1 else used them
Posts: 46
   Old Thread  #99 11 Mar 2006 at 11.11pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #97
why aint you posted that in the thread
Posts: 6745
   Old Thread  #98 11 Mar 2006 at 11.00pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #97
Posts: 14348
   Old Thread  #97 11 Mar 2006 at 10.55pm  0  Login    Register
Posts: 46
   Old Thread  #96 11 Mar 2006 at 9.18pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #95
Posts: 13016
   Old Thread  #95 11 Mar 2006 at 9.03pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #94
the mod squad

are watching
Posts: 46
   Old Thread  #93 11 Mar 2006 at 8.54pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #92
ok am i on my way to getting banned???
not at all just gonna be put on the watched list

Posts: 13016
   Old Thread  #91 11 Mar 2006 at 8.49pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #89
loads of different baits get mentioned with good replies AND BAD but as soon as the member is involved with trhe said bait and hasnt donated anything to the forum it normally gets suppressed so you can count yourself lucky that your post is still there

so answer this 1st have you been been rumbled

more like earthquaked mate
Posts: 46
   Old Thread  #90 11 Mar 2006 at 8.47pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #89
so answer this 1st have you been been rumbled ???

then ill answer your question
Posts: 46
   Old Thread  #88 11 Mar 2006 at 8.42pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #87
stoner ok its your turn you wind em in

Posts: 8753
   Old Thread  #87 11 Mar 2006 at 8.37pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #78

I notice you sometimes have an odd way of not leaving any spaces between your full stops and the first letter of your next sentence. I've never seen this before, except, strangely, from the very Ebay seller you claim to be buying your 'wonder paste' from!

Also, you don't use an apostrophe when writing "I've" - and nor does the Ebay seller!

Ever more co-incidentally, he is also from Manchester!

Could there perhaps be something you aren't telling us?

Posts: 13016
   Old Thread  #86 11 Mar 2006 at 8.26pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #85
must be bull**** flavour
Posts: 46
   Old Thread  #85 11 Mar 2006 at 8.24pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #84

opps truth hurts
Posts: 6745
   Old Thread  #83 11 Mar 2006 at 8.05pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #82
its not exactly good bait if its on ebay now is it
Posts: 46
   Old Thread  #82 11 Mar 2006 at 8.02pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #80
Wow i can not belive it ...ive got to tell people...

take note of jamies post especialy the bottom paragraph
Posts: 14348
   Old Thread  #81 11 Mar 2006 at 7.37pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #80
One not made of spam
Posts: 14348
   Old Thread  #79 11 Mar 2006 at 4.12pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #78
I've tried it too and thought it was rubbish - the texture wasn't right and threw it in the bin
Posts: 584
   Old Thread  #76 18 Feb 2006 at 11.20pm  0  Login    Register
My local Feed Suppliers (Gibbs of Galston) do a pigeon mix, "Irish Racing Mix" for £8.99 for 25kg. It consists of French Maize, Maples, Tares, White Dari, & Sunflower Seeds.

Should be available from most feed stores I reckon.
Posts: 427
   Old Thread  #75 30 Jan 2006 at 11.26am  0  Login    Register
repley to post 57 what cheap baits from super markets went to tescos the other night and noticed there value sweetcorn was reduced to 17 p a tin must be about a third of a kilothree tins for 51 p ten kilos 5pound 10 p thats cheap
Posts: 8803
   Old Thread  #74 20 Jan 2006 at 6.04pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #73
You have PM Again
Posts: 105
   Old Thread  #72 15 Jan 2006 at 4.58pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #64
Try Kent Particles. It is not always a case of stoving it in either, hi quality baits that are expencise if used in the correct manner and for the right situation require you to only put in a couple.

A Hi-Attraction bag of ground bait for a quid and a bit of paste or a good quality pop-up etc, for 20p and placed in a good area in front of fish will catch better than putting 5kgs of bolies over the the fish spooking them away??? where is the point in that.

Cheap Bait or Correct situation that is a far better question, what about pellets? or rolling your own, again companies like CBS and Kent Particles make great bait at affordable prices but this does not mean I am going to put 10kgs in for a 24hour session?

Posts: 1275
   Old Thread  #71 13 Jan 2006 at 8.50pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #57
Jacob, theres peperami for starters, just go to a supermarket and look for yourself, you might find something that people haven't used before
Posts: 11
   Old Thread  #68 13 Jan 2006 at 1.32pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #67
hi lads give magoot a go
Posts: 1131
   Old Thread  #67 4 Jan 2006 at 8.18am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #66
yes, and very effective they are to
Posts: 4
   Old Thread  #66 3 Jan 2006 at 5.30pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #65
Hi anglers,

Have you heard about the selling of rejected boilies from the factories? The waste material created, that is those not hardened in the correct spherical shape, can be bought off bait companies at very little cost, but their irregular shapes and sizes actually make them effective bulk free offerings, or even hookbaits!
Does anybody share any interest in this source of cheap bait?
Posts: 4
   Old Thread  #65 27 Dec 2005 at 4.18pm  0  Login    Register
cheap baits
type in ccmoore
on internet
sells everything
well cheap very quick
Posts: 2573
   Old Thread  #64 23 Dec 2005 at 10.47pm  0  Login    Register
CBS-custom bait services they do cracking baits top quality

custom bait services
Posts: 13016
   Old Thread  #63 15 Dec 2005 at 7.09pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #62
no probs mate its them that actually make the stuff i did have a price list but lost it when i formatted my hard drive
Posts: 2415
   Old Thread  #62 15 Dec 2005 at 7.05pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #61
Cheers Brian! I have seen the site before but was unsure if they sold in small quantities to the general public.
Only one way to find...I'll give em a call.
Posts: 13016
   Old Thread  #61 15 Dec 2005 at 6.54pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #60

Posts: 2415
   Old Thread  #60 15 Dec 2005 at 6.37pm  0  Login    Register
Looking to find the cheapest Minamino hopefully in 1 litre quantity, any suggestions?
Posts: 46
   Old Thread  #59 11 Dec 2005 at 4.16pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #58
pm carpman conway hes the man for vision baits

hes profile
Posts: 550
   Old Thread  #55 24 Nov 2005 at 10.38pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #54

is there a 3 strike policy?
Posts: 10474
   Old Thread  #54 24 Nov 2005 at 10.37pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #53
my first suppression,

should i be proud of that?

No chance, it's not as if it's an ASBO you know

Posts: 12
   Old Thread  #49 24 Nov 2005 at 10.10pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #46
hi just like tosay i have been useing tt baits for a couple of years now and have not looked back,top quality fishmeals at fiver a kilo. they can do pop ups extra hard hook baits, dips and matching pellets they can mail order, and offer custom rolling service. i will never roll my own bait again
Posts: 12
   Old Thread  #48 24 Nov 2005 at 10.10pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #46
sorry about that ***^^** computer phone tt baits on 01227 711177
Posts: 4
   Old Thread  #47 23 Nov 2005 at 8.48pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #40
Hello carpman00. Im new on here . Just been having a bit of a read and noticed you had put Geoff from Premier. Geoff left Premier nearly five years ago now. Running his own company now. I roll a lot of bait for him and our own. We also do Mlarky plus many more. We are called T.T.Baits and also do a very competative priced Boilie range. £5.00kg. Most of our baits are made in conjuction with the man him self, all ingredients are purchased through him because they are the best available. We have a website currently in construction which people will be able to check out and purchase on line. or Should be of interest to some of you. Hope to be able to chat to a few people. Might even know some of ya
Posts: 46
   Old Thread  #46 21 Nov 2005 at 5.08pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #45
Your pay for it one way or another!!
Posts: 1275
   Old Thread  #45 18 Nov 2005 at 10.42pm  0  Login    Register
Does anybody know any websites that sell bait and/or bait ingredients post free?
Posts: 8292
   Old Thread  #44 9 Nov 2005 at 10.14pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #43
rollbaits uk

Posts: 5785
   Old Thread  #43 9 Nov 2005 at 3.12pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #41
You wouldn't happen to be involved with them by any chance?
Posts: 61
   Old Thread  #40 4 Nov 2005 at 6.46pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #28
u mean geoff from premier baits just trying his roller myself done me some pukka bait at a good price
Posts: 13016
   Old Thread  #39 31 Oct 2005 at 7.11pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #38
Posts: 106
   Old Thread  #38 31 Oct 2005 at 6.49pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #5
Trent Baits, good quality and very good prices on just about everything, we have been using their Fish Pro Boilies only £6.50 per kg but a proper fishmeal bait.

They have got a website i think
Posts: 16
   Old Thread  #37 23 Oct 2005 at 8.16pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #36
just started using kent particles boilies, very impressed so far with price and reliability
Posts: 560
   Old Thread  #36 17 Oct 2005 at 7.08pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #35
i would recomend chris orms's bait. i have been on the extract for two years now and this year i have done so well. i have managed to get the biggest fish out my syndicate(31ish), in my first year (god damn) and had five more fish over 25lbs. the extract bait is simply awsome.

am going to give his new bait a try next year, looks and smells gracking. i just cant wait for spring!!!!

he doesnt just do the boilies though he does, popups, hard baits, krill pellets, bloodworm, glm, etc etc....

excelent prices too. drop him an email and dont look back!!!!
Posts: 2410
   Old Thread  #35 9 Oct 2005 at 12.55pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1
Titmuss, Near Wheathampstead.

Sell cheap pellets, amino's trouties, halibults, hemp pellets, tiger nut pellets.

Also sell cheap maize in different sizes/forms, all sorts of stuff there, hemp is quite cheap there too.

Fishmeal in 25kilo sacks very cheap too.

I have only used their pellets & maize. The pellets come with a made on date & a use by date, very handy As they only have a 6 month life
Posts: 5785
   Old Thread  #34 7 Oct 2005 at 5.04am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #33
Maybe he's trying to keep them to himself!

I know he's been having some consistent results of late
Posts: 6478
   Old Thread  #33 6 Oct 2005 at 1.27pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #32
Can't beleive that one of my field testers is a mod and he still hasn't mentioned my company! you know who you are Mr Hadley

has anyone used the b5 boilies

Not a cheap bait by a long shot!
Posts: 8
   Old Thread  #32 5 Oct 2005 at 7.59pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #31
has anyone used the b5 boilies
Posts: 1131
   Old Thread  #31 30 Sept 2005 at 3.26pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #15
been using pm pellets for a while now, spot on, and cheap.
Posts: 1091
   Old Thread  #28 21 Sept 2005 at 9.30pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #26
advanced bait services are a quality bait company they do 10k of powder rolled fro £60 meaning you get around 14k of bait for that price which works out at under a fiver for kilo off bait and its a class bait as well, i use a certain type now and just had my best ever session on a local lake near me, they also do loads of different pellets such as krill,squid etc as well as pellet to match your freebies for £30 for 25k !!!!!!! i think i am right in saying that the guy whos company this is was the person who started off with premier baits but dont quote me on that.....they do a wide range of bollies catering all types and from what my mates have been saying about it they all catch loads of fish as well.....also another awesome bait for a good price is lea valley baits especially aqua reds which i have had loads of fish on myself......PM me for details on either if you wish......
Posts: 1091
   Old Thread  #27 21 Sept 2005 at 9.29pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #26
advanced bait services
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   Old Thread  #26 21 Sept 2005 at 2.52pm  0  Login    Register
Message Suppressed by Forum Moderator.
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   Old Thread  #17 14 Sept 2005 at 7.42am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #14
I went to Willow Grange last night, first time there, and was impressed! The quality of the bait is excellent and the guy was very helpful. They stock the cheapest hemp I can find, and in three different sizes too!! Plus a huge range of pellets and they stock the entire CC Moore range too.
Posts: 2415
   Old Thread  #16 14 Sept 2005 at 6.46am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #15
Ive used pellets from pmpellets great stuff

Good value too! Definitely worth a look.

I've been promised some samples, they should be here soon.
Looking forward to putting them to the test. I'll let you know how I get on.
Posts: 27
   Old Thread  #15 13 Sept 2005 at 5.44pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #7
Ive used pellets from pmpellets great stuff !!
Posts: 627
   Old Thread  #14 12 Sept 2005 at 4.37pm  0  Login    Register
Willowgrange on the A10 nr Chittering, Cambridge sells alot of animal feed/particles etc and also stocks alot of CCMoores bait....
always helpful....

And I have also used forum member CarpingChris's extract boilies which are good.... also very helpful.
Posts: 70
   Old Thread  #13 4 Sept 2005 at 7.53pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #12
have a word with Chris Orme forum name carpinchris...............

i have been using his baits for over a year now ................ i can highly reccomend them

he does a small range of boilies and pellets.................... at very good prices too

i know he's going to be looking for people to test a new bait in the very near future ..................

I won't be one though! there is no way i am coming of the meat extract bait i have had such good results on
Posts: 7191
   Old Thread  #12 2 Sept 2005 at 10.11am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #10
unfortunately no website.

you can call them on 01483 811360 - they are open on Sunday mornings as well which is very handy. Also stock the complete CC Moores range
Posts: 2655
   Old Thread  #11 31 Aug 2005 at 10.32pm  0  Login    Register
Only been to Backhurst Bait Supplies once and they are very good Had a search on google for a website but couldn't find one.
Posts: 2415
   Old Thread  #10 31 Aug 2005 at 5.38pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #9
Have they got a website? If not maybe they could do with one to reach a wider market than just local!
Posts: 180
   Old Thread  #9 31 Aug 2005 at 12.25pm  0  Login    Register
Back you up on that one, friends use them almost exclusively for bait - particle, cheap pellets, i think they may even do boilies - and get very very good prices.
Posts: 7191
   Old Thread  #8 31 Aug 2005 at 11.34am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1
Any anglers out there from Surrey, Hants or South West London, check out Backhurst Bait Supplies in Normandy (Just outside Guildford). they have loads and loads of baits on display at animal feed prices and the guy is super friendly too. Definitley worth a visit if you are in the area!!!
Posts: 687
   Old Thread  #6 26 Aug 2005 at 11.42pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #5
there you go mate
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   Old Thread  #3 24 Aug 2005 at 5.47pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #2
Thats nice of you bar.
Posts: 343
   Old Thread  #2 24 Aug 2005 at 2.13pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #1
For cheap bait pm me,might be able to help u guys out on a good deal,
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