Boat stands for
Thousand lol
To be fair
This year the Thames area at sea has been absolutely crap this year weed and winds have been really sh1te for most of it.
Happiest day of your life
..when you get your new boat.
Second happiest day of your life
.when you sell your boat
In reply to Post #1 Think it is bradders who has a river boat
I have one on the sea.
Does anyone here have a boat on the river? or Anyone know what is involved.
I'm interested in things such as
- what size/length/type of boat for 1/2 people sleeping/fishing a couple of nights max
- what you need legally,
- Where you can fish/where you cant
- Mooring or launching from a trailer/slipway etc
- pitfalls/what to avoid
Id love to do it but have not got a clue at the moment
From the absolute basics, Id love to hear people experiences.