In reply to Post #9 if your setting up house ect yes, but normal situations there perfect in my opinion, as im a session angler i need to be dry and warm.
In reply to Post #8 Thanks for the reply . Whilst moving around do you find the salopettes overly warm ? I’m guessing as they are highly breathable this might not be an issue , thanks .
In reply to Post #1 i have the fortis dpm sallopettets, lovely and warm but not waterproof at all ,so i bought the tundra dpm sallopettets when they firts came out 100% waterproof and warm. got a sj9 jacket very again not waterproof.
In reply to Post #6 Thanks for the replies . I was unsure whether I could justify and needed the tundra and hadn’t thought too much about the salopettes . This has changed today sat here freezing my whatsits off with the wind in my face. 🤣
In reply to Post #5 Absolutely mate.
My old Snugpak Sleeka salopettes were warmer than the Tundra's, I'm sure of it. If only they did a waterproof version.....
In reply to Post #4 I love my torrent,best winter coat I've owned
In reply to Post #3 No idea mate, but the snugpak stuff feels warmer to me.
In reply to Post #2 I thought the tundra had a better warmth rating than the torrent
In reply to Post #1 I have the Tundra salopettes and the Torrent Jacket.
I'd say Tundra better for waterproof and Torrent better for warmth. Tbh if Snugpak did waterproof salopettes I'd have gone for them too.
Can anyone please give me a comparison between the fortis tundra jacket and the Snugpak torrent . Pros and cons and is the fortis worth the extra , cheers .