In reply to Post #32 This is my go to set up as well although I have no problems with 10mm hookbaits as long as i'm using foam / stringer / bag. Served me well for many years!
In reply to Post #1 I used fish the same basic rig as Nexus6,
Did quite well with 8-12" of Merlin, size 4 hook and a stringer or a short stick with PVA nugget inside..not on the hook / hooklink
Inline lead with 18" rig tubing . Rig boom over swivel to 9" of supple braid. Bait attached to a line aligned hook with small piece of tubing on the bend. Bigger the bait the better. Feather the cast down. I've been using this setup since the early 90's and it rarely tangles.
In reply to Post #28 Nash armourlink or Korda dark matter are thicker than normal
In reply to Post #28 Have a look at the Nash Armourlink
In reply to Post #1 Gardner do PVA tubing to thread your soft hooklink in, I have some but not used it yet so can't say how it performs.
In reply to Post #1 just as a slight change to the subject
can anyone recommend a braid which is a bit thicker in diameter without needing to use a really high breaking strain.
Experimenting with using multi's and supple braids
In reply to Post #1 I use a longer section of braid (than most) with an Albright knot to 20lb flouro.
You can easily get a 3” braid single strand (not multi) and 4” boom section that has rarely (if ever) tangled. I use them at probably 2” braid with a shot over the knot for bottom bait and wafter fishing. I use small hooks (8s and 10s) and small cut down hookbaits.
Braid is brilliant (supernatural for me) but without a stick or a bag I think the 10% chance of a tangle is just too high.
Braid Is all I really use albeit most of the time stiff coated with the last few inches stripped back. Can't get my head around a mono or fluoro hooklink being anywhere near as effective at turning.
Not at distance as such but stripped back coated braid or fully uncoated hooklinks are a method I use regularly on my silty syndicate water,as most others have said a pva mesh bag is the way I do it-I will sometime fill with floaters so you get the gentle drop of the hook but also the weight required to help stop tangles
I generally use this on a lead clip setup
In reply to Post #23 Never remember having many tangles back in the day using heli setups. Most tangles were when you reeled back in if the hook length coiled up as it landed, letting it swing back stopped most of those.
Just watch the rig as you cast, you’ll see if it does tangle on the cast.
In reply to Post #22 I never used it but always thought it could be useful
In reply to Post #20 I used to use it on the original multi strand hooklink, found it a bit of a pita, so much so like most people i stopped using both. Not saying it won't do the job. Just easier ways.
In reply to Post #20 Yup well done 👍
No tangle
In reply to Post #19 Wasn't it Kryston...hmm