In reply to Post #5 I had the same thought! Going to need to keep some of the weight forward to prevent this which defeats the purpose no?
In reply to Post #5 That was my first thought as well.
In reply to Post #5 Glad it wasn't just me thinking that
I can only assume that they have been properly tested and are seaworthy. That upswept prow makes me a bit nervous though. If a strong wind hits it dead on would it flip?
In reply to Post #3 I thought the same regarding the velcro strap for retaining the net handle, one of the Dutch boat manufacturer's/distributors have for some time had the rubber moulded brackets added exactly like the open rubber bracket for pushing the ends of the oars into they've been made smaller for push fitting the landing net handle into a much better idea in my opinion messing about with undoing the velcro strap when your out playing a fish is just an extra faff.
In reply to Post #1 As said look nifty.. however the first thing I saw that I didn't like was the straps for putting a landing net etc... why make them from velcro? Would be much better using magnets so you could just pull the landing net out. Imagine playing a hard fighting fish and having to move across the boat to undo that? easier to just have it laid in the boat
In reply to Post #1 Look decent and with a couple of nifty features.
No way it will prize me away from my wave runner 240 tho.
What's your thoughts?