Thanks for the sikaflex recommendation , slightly easier to work with & has done the job , tested this morning, as for removing it , hope i never need to find out 😂
Many thanks , will give it a try & have been finding out the hard way nothings easy with baitboats . An expensive trip down a rc rabbithole !
In reply to Post #3 It’s the marine one you want,used in on mine a few years ago, really good.
Can get messy as it will stick to anything it comes remotely close to.
If you take your time and are patient its not too bad.
sikaflex ? seen that they do a marine one , suppose ill just have to trial and error with 2 pieces of plastic , original boat sealant (spyder) came apart a lot easier than with the bondit ha6
thanks for reply
I think it’s silitax people use
hi all,
been upgrading my baitboat and was looking for recommendations for sealants , was all going well but then had to open up again due to motor coupler noise , used bondit ha6 which to be fair was good stuff ,but what a pig to remove , excrement to a blanket ! (suppose that would be what your looking for in a sealant) just wondered what people used , a happy medium between sealing and not too difficult removal ?
thanks in advance