In reply to Post #5 I found the 8000s too big, and actually hindered casting rather than helping . The 7000 are are much better option for everything except very long range using a boat imo
In reply to Post #4 Thanks Jeff
Will keep hold of my 7000’s till I’ve stress tested the 8000’s! Picked them up for a song so can always move them on.
In reply to Post #3 Got a few 🤣, They will be fine they are big clumsy things though much prefer the 7000s.
In reply to Post #2 Thanks, didn’t realise he had a PA 😂
In reply to Post #1 Jeff will get back to you on this one mate.
Hi all,
I recently purchased a set of Penn affinity 8000’s. I have been using the 7000’s for years and really rate them.
I use a set of 3.5 infinities that have standard Fuji 40mm ringing. I’ve never liked 50’s.
Will the larger spool on the 8000 reels be an issue with the 40mm ringing? I’ll be fishing at distance so giving it the biggun.