In reply to Post #1 Dare I say it but the OMC ones are pretty good albeit a bit chunky on smaller hook patterns. . .
ESP Gripstops for hooks 1mm wire and above. Thinner wire Thinking Anglers.
The esp ones seem the best that I have tried.
I have serveral types and most slip. I will still use them in a solid bag (or use a multi) but wouldn't trust them with a full blooded chuck.
Thanks all, my sentiments only. i haven't found one yet that doesn't slip. A good friend also uses TA ones. I might have to take a punt on yet another pack of them to try.
Thinking anglers ones are good 👍
In reply to Post #1 Have you tried putting two on the hook back to back. I've has success doing this, not perfect but unless I'm really putting a lot of stress on them they stay put.
In reply to Post #1 ESP grip stops are very good
I'm content with the nash tungsten hook beads, they don't slip, and if you want to step it up you could look at the esp ones, they won't move at all (except on those thin esp hooks ) All depends on the wire of your hook of course.
Can you glue it on ?
Struggled to find one the doesn’t slip
Best I could find was to pierce it 90 degrees
In reply to Post #1 Given up with trying to find one. For distance fishing I use the Korda D-Rig kickers if using a Ronnie instead of a hook bead. Hook holds have been great using a both bottom baits and pop-ups.
Hi All,
Hook bead suggestions that dont slip would be very much appreciated. Predominantly use size 6 and 4s.