In reply to Post #8 My main choice now..
Just prefer it over the esp version which I thought could never be beaten
ESP tungsten loaded tubing I think is the heaviest I've seen. Rigmarole is great, less supple maybe. And Korda nano is lighter than the ESP stuff I think.
ESP for me.
In reply to Post #15 Same as, I prefer the colours of the ‘normal’ tubing
Slightly off topic.
I stopped using tungsten tubing about six years ago and went back to the old Nash No Spook tubing and didn't notice any difference in catch rate at all.
I flit between the Korda stuff and the Nash Cling-On Tungsten tubing, which I actually really like.
Not always the easiest to thread, but for me it works well for what I need it for.
Not tried the highly regarded Rigmarole stuff, but this does seem to be the 'go to' for many.
I used to use ESP, then Korda DM and now Rigmarole. I wouldn't say Rigmarole is overly supple though. One of the limpest I used for a while was Berkley believe it or not but it wasn't as heavy, a very soft contour hugging tube. It might have changed now though, that was near a decade ago, might not even be made anymore
In reply to Post #2 +1 for Rigmarole when tubing is the only choice - v easy to thread even in the narrow bore and v heavy; also looks more like leadcore and the braided outer can take on mud/detrius which is a poss camo advantage . . .
In reply to Post #9 Second this, the nano is brilliant stuff
MCF Hugger Tubing was the best for suppleness when I was looking for a new tubing after the Rigmarole tubing was banned on some of my lakes.
I just use the Grey version.
The Korda nano is fantastic. I never got on with the normal korda stuff, I've tried it all being on a lake with tubing only. And I couldn't recommend it enough
The Korda Dark Matter is heavy and supple.
In reply to Post #5 Oh right, you mean supple, not subtle. Yes is very supple
In reply to Post #1 The HLS stuff is really heavy and really supple. It's also pretty cheap. The only downside is that all 3 colours are pretty dark, but if you can live with that, then use it with confidence.
In reply to Post #4 No I mean subtle as in it bends over contors etc more making it subtle
“ fine or delicate in meaning or intent; difficult to perceive or understand “….
In reply to Post #3 Because it sinks down onto the lake bed better, hiding it. Making it subtle/not stand out