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Posts: 1627
   Old Thread  #236 6 Sept 2020 at 1.48pm  0  Login    Register
Yep, MM is apparently coming back at Aragon so he can help Honda build a 2021 bike specifically for him.
Espargero will obviously fully approve it #?¥₩#?
That will be the ****ers garage next year, no way those 2 will get on.
Hope rumours are right then as zarco is my favourite rider, be nice to see him and Miller going at it.
Mrs loves quateraro which is weird as his chest is like the Mojave desert whereas mine is like the new Forrest.....


Posts: 17299
   Old Thread  #235 6 Sept 2020 at 1.26pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #234
I'm a miller fan Jon, ex motocrosser, exiting to watch, deserves that ride

Zarco, that should be interesting?

Exiting times, who's gonna be where. One thing for sure we know where MM will be

Posts: 1627
   Old Thread  #234 6 Sept 2020 at 12.44pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #233
Hi Chris

Hope you're well

Biggest news im waiting confirmation on is that zarco has the factory ride alongside Miller at Ducati, press down here is selling it, but they are notoriously full of poo


Posts: 17299
   Old Thread  #233 6 Sept 2020 at 7.05am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #232
Interesting one Jon, guess he still has race pace

KTM seem to have a very good bike there and I think they could be a serious challenge to Honda if they can get the right rider. Is that Dovi, mmmmm?

I was watching WSB yesterday and they were talking about a conversation with a team manger who had been around the block a bit. When they choose a rider they are looking for the next talent who will beat and be the next MM. Otherwise they could just sign any rider. Makes you think, if KTM are that serious, they have to be, is Dovi their man at 31?

Mir is starting to look good and I can’t see any reason why he would leave Suzuki. FQ has signed, FM?

Not sure, it will be interesting to see who really goes where

Posts: 1627
   Old Thread  #232 6 Sept 2020 at 5.08am  0  Login    Register
Hi All

Just seen the talks between Dovi and KTM have broken down over money.
I think his manager is pricing him out of a ride, be a shame if he's not on the grid next year, but what options does he have now for next year???
Aprillia?, Suzuki?
Seems the Dovi story doesn't end well
At least Rossi signed the 2 years yesterday


Posts: 5687
   Old Thread  #231 25 Aug 2020 at 7.59pm  0  Login    Register
Forgot to add before, Vinales said he had 4 warnings of the brakes failing before the off, personally I think he should have come in or been made to by the race director. Imagine carrying on knowing and something awful happens :-(
Posts: 17299
   Old Thread  #230 25 Aug 2020 at 6.51pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #228
Cost Mir the race did that

I’m guessing Viñales just plain **** himself. Bike over his head last week, jumping off the bike this week, brake failure. Not looking good for Yamaha either, engines, not enough top end, no wonder they are struggling. When the non factory bikes are doing well they should know they have problems

And once again, especially WSB and BSB the Ducati V4 is just like cheating for me, so high revving and the straight line speed just blows everything else out of the water although the new Honda seems to be catching up, seems to be
Posts: 9500
   Old Thread  #229 25 Aug 2020 at 5.55pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #223
fiery lot the Italians, couldn't say that though about rossis over seas fans, had a drink with many in tavulia always welcomed mm 93s lot to join the table..same in Spain,all supporters enjoy each others banter..lets hope Rossi signs that 2 year deal with pertrona..
Posts: 5687
   Old Thread  #228 25 Aug 2020 at 2.36pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #227
Yeah, felt for Mir but you have to ask why they didn't have a tyre in reserve JIC. I know races aren't often split but even so, it certainly helped Miller in part 2.

I'm still trying to decide if Vinales went over to his bike and put his head in his hands out of a, shock, or B frustration the bike wasn't still o.k...inspite of being on fire at the time

Agree with the blind crests, odd how these things aren't already in place in this day and age.
Posts: 17299
   Old Thread  #227 24 Aug 2020 at 8.26pm  0  Login    Register
Well, just watched the highlights from yesterday. Brake failure and jumping off a bike at 130mph must be a hell of a shocker. Last time I saw that it was Eugene Laverty in WSP

Disappointed for Mir he deserved that win

Air bags in place too. Did a proper job on saving Viñales bike until it set on fire
Posts: 17299
   Old Thread  #226 24 Aug 2020 at 5.17pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #224
I’m guessing that’s the next area for review, straights that have the potential to run over corners if the worst happens. Thought the same afterwards, thought they would have some kind of protection. Quite a dangerous track

The blind summits are another one too as the Moto 2 crash. Maybe a flashing sign above the track on blind summits or a least a flag man on them?
Posts: 17299
   Old Thread  #225 24 Aug 2020 at 5.14pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #223
all the vr46 babies were calling for Masia to be banned for the season for dumping the oil on the track,(absolute stupid crap)

Nuff said then, unbelievable, who would have thought, oil on a motorcycle racing track
Posts: 5687
   Old Thread  #224 24 Aug 2020 at 3.09pm  0  Login    Register
Not been on for a while.

The crash last week, why aren't there airbags/tires across those long run offs before right hand corners, even half way along them would minimise the risk. Unsighting the corner slightly would be a small price to pay.

Really enjoying the races at the mo, so glad that MM is side lined for a while, had become a tad stale for me.

Vinales jumping off
Posts: 1627
   Old Thread  #223 24 Aug 2020 at 2.24pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #221
Hi Chris,

I think this weekend kinda proved the point I was trying to make, all the vr46 babies were calling for Masia to be banned for the season for dumping the oil on the track,(absolute stupid crap), Martin loses a moto2 win by going green by inches thus promoting a vr46 baby for the win and polis espargero is at least 4ft of track on the final lap and gets no penalty at all?????

And clicky, whoever had the great idea to put the 2 most despised riders in the same garage is an absolute advertising genius, polis and rat boy 2021, I'm gonna love it........
Too much politics, let's race!!
Posts: 9500
   Old Thread  #222 22 Aug 2020 at 7.32am  0  Login    Register
rossi is taking fabios seat at pertronas,fabio taking rossis seat at factory Yamaha with vinales. as for zarcos pit lane start, thats down to dorna. the Spanish Moto gp mafia..both espargaro brothers get away scot free from their pissing about.alex holding up Petrucci on the racing line looking for a tow. pol again whinging about zarco taking him out, while yet he went wide then came back on the racing line without looking..pol espagaros actions after last weeks red flag was terrible. moaning about race being stopped while he was in the lead.. I really don't know why hrc Honda gave him a factory seat next to mm93 next season..the bloke is a nightmare..
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