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Posts: 17299
   Old Thread  #940 30 Nov 2019 at 4.39pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #939
Joshua can make all the excuses he wants he is not the fighter that Hearn hyped him up to be. I could see that many fights ago, so easy to hit, no movement and a glass jaw. He has been rocked many times before Ruiz gave him the lesson of his life and that’s what he did.

I can’t see Joshua winning unless RMcK has reinvented him. Styles make fights and if he thinks he’s gonna keep Ruiz on the jab all night think again. I think it will go much the same as the first fight, once Joshua realises he can’t keep Ruiz at bay he will get sparked.

The only way I can see Joshua win is an early blitz or if Ruiz walks onto one. The longer it goes on it’s Ruiz for me. I think he is more of a handful than people realise, fast hands, powerful, good movement. I would like to see him fight Wilder myself

Let’s not forget Ruiz had very short notice for this fight too!!!

Either way the winner should fight Wilder or Fury, since Wilder holds the other belt I hope they make the winner have a mandatory against him. I want to see somebody unify the belts. I am not a Wilder fan but he deserves it
Posts: 4112
   Old Thread  #939 30 Nov 2019 at 12.10pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #937
Ruiz wins it by a ko for me if joshua cant tighten his defence .
All sorts of rumours regarding joshuas health in the first fight , if you listen to his corner he asks why he feels so tired and his legs are heavy , he is too muscular to be a great boxer if his fluids are wrong it straps your strength , so does taking heavy shots like he did, ruiz is a clever fighter and unless joshua chins him early on he will draw joshua into a brawl he wont win.
So for me Ruiz wins which would mean joshua career over as no one would want to fight him , they wouldnt need to ,ruiz fights wilder ,wilder wins and holds all belts .
Posts: 4695
   Old Thread  #938 30 Nov 2019 at 9.51am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #936
It’s on the bill of a world title fight. If that’s a short un then I guess he’ll get on.

Touch wood.

Posts: 27005
aka Mr Linky Poo
   Old Thread  #937 30 Nov 2019 at 9.27am  0  Login    Register
Ruiz Jr v Joshua 2 Ring walks at 8.30pm next Saturday
And I think SKY is going to charge £25 !!!!

Well ??? Cmon lads who and how do you think will win ? give us your guesses !!

Me well I find it very hard to call as both men posses the power to stop each other with big bombs my heart says AJ but !!!!!!!!! Ruiz is a very skilful boxer with VERY fast hands and throws hurtful punches ......... so unless AJ can get rid of him in the 1st 3 or 4 rounds you gotta say Ruiz with his superior boxing ability

Posts: 27005
aka Mr Linky Poo
   Old Thread  #936 30 Nov 2019 at 9.18am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #935
Guessing its not televised hopefully someone will film it and bung on youtube

Posts: 4695
   Old Thread  #935 29 Nov 2019 at 9.30pm  0  Login    Register
Nathan Heaney be fighting tomorrow night at the Birmingham arena and will hopefully get a slot on BT. His original opponent Kelcie Ball has pulled out due to injury so he’ll be facing a lad from South America.

Whoever you fight stay focused Nathan and do the business.

Taking around 400 followers.

Come on Nathan, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase.

Good luck Nathan and hopefully onto the next chapter in your career.
Posts: 17299
   Old Thread  #934 24 Nov 2019 at 5.14pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #933
Well said on all points Jeff, especially the costume

Says the Fury rematch is next, that should be very interesting

I’m am interested to see if Ruiz can beat Joshua again. I would like to see him fight Wilder. I think a Mike Tyson would have had him out of there in two when he was in his prime, made for Wilder, same as Ruiz is for me, needs to be inside and all over him not at the end of that 10 foot pawing jab lining the right up

One thing about Wilder, he has devastating power but you never seem to see the clean spark outs for me, just seems to leave them dazed and staggering lol, must admit though, proper dynamite in the right
Posts: 4112
   Old Thread  #933 24 Nov 2019 at 5.07pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #932
Groves had hard fights froch etc before he fought smith and tbh looked awful against smith , I dont rate smith infact i dont like smith any of them but i have my own reasons why . He would,nt live with canello , his next fight he wants at anfield , he better improve !!
I like john ryder he was humble in defeat and said he thought he did enough to win which in my opinion he certainly did .
As a heavyweight if you have that power you only need one trick !
What i detest about wilder is his costumes !
Posts: 17299
   Old Thread  #932 24 Nov 2019 at 2.39pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #931
Totally agree

Smith Ryder was a great fight but that is one major boxing miscarriage of justice. John Ryder won that fight by a few rounds for me. Smith was very poor, could hardly land a clean shot. Ryder was fantastic, slipping the shots and landing the power shots. Rematch please. The fans we’re booing for a reason, same as me. Robbery, and they were local fans!

As for Tony Bellew, I like the man but he’s does talk some bollox, Callum this, Callum that. It was a very poor performance for me and if he thinks he can beat Canelo, dream on. Johnny Nelson was bang on for me, Ryder by one or two rounds

I don’t get Smiths style, he is a long gangly lad but likes a tear up close in. I thought he struggled in some of the super series fights and he struggled big time against Skoglund for me when I watched that one and he got a UD!. The Groves fight I thought he had turned the corner and he boxed him very well and keep him on the jab, I think that said more about Groves at the end of his career than Smith, against Ryder back to standard but I credit Ryder for that, superb proper clean solid shots. Respect to Smith he is a fighter because when he gets tagged he automatically tries to counter, this is what will cost him against Canelo for me

As for the bronze bummer

Ortiz on both occasions boxed his head off, just the bomb

Wilder, devastating power

Rubbish boxer, one trick pony
Posts: 9626
   Old Thread  #931 24 Nov 2019 at 10.59am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #929
Just watched the fight, never that clear cut, Ryder thought out of his skin I think he bullied smith which I don’t think he’s used to.
Talk about Canelo is ridiculous on that showing, like to see him fight bjs
Posts: 4112
   Old Thread  #930 24 Nov 2019 at 9.05am  0  Login    Register
Devastating punch from wilder , no one can live with that power.
Posts: 27005
aka Mr Linky Poo
   Old Thread  #929 24 Nov 2019 at 4.21am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #928
I could not believe that scoring ? and agreed I thought it was so close a draw no way did Callum win the 1st 8 rounds ? madness
Posts: 4112
   Old Thread  #928 23 Nov 2019 at 11.03pm  0  Login    Register
Superb fight ryder absolutely superb nulified all of callums work , i have ryder ahead but smith will probably get it.Dont know how they judge these fights even liverpudlians booing , im biased being a liverpool lad but ryder at least drew that if not won it.
Posts: 4112
   Old Thread  #927 22 Nov 2019 at 10.52pm  0  Login    Register
Forgot Callum smith fights sat night , on sky .
Posts: 17299
   Old Thread  #926 22 Nov 2019 at 4.48pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #925
I would like to see Ortiz spark him out

Very close last time, can’t see it this time though unfortunately
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