League code is k9rh20
Any problems reply on here or PM me your email and I will add you manually
Good luck
Fantasy premier league
In reply to Post #57 It would be good to have them on board
In reply to Post #56 Yes mate, I’ve just opened the league back up again for the 19/20 season
All the knob heads in the football thread don’t know **** all about football really, they are more interested in each others cock size
In reply to Post #55 Is there going to be a 2019 one?
Hi guys the league is now back open. Everyone is welcome to join, would be great to see a few new people join
Hi guys the league is back open for new entrances just enter code 684745-163405 to join. Or if you where on last season just enter your new team and you will automatically come back in. hope to see you all there
In reply to Post #51 When you have logged in go to MY TEAM
Bottom right after the leagues you will see ADMIN USER PROFILE this is where you change details emails etc
Just saw the date
Dose anyone know how I can change and update my email on fantasy premier league? Can't seem to work out how to do it.
Cheers lads
In reply to Post #49 I'm in is there a prize ?
Would be good to see a few more people join before tomorrow
In reply to Post #46 Thanks nffc - just checked the team & looks like I'm in the forum league!
The league code for any new entranc that where not in the league last year or the year before is 187492-63980
Good luck guys
In reply to Post #45 HI Dave you should automatically come back into the league if your joined last year or the year before. Any problems PM me mate