In reply to Post #580 Do you know what video it is arj is showing Kev the ice crusher then it switches to Kev showing arj?
In reply to Post #667 Tribute to Kev the lead was perfect
In reply to Post #580 Thank you!
In reply to Post #677 It's a pleasure Ken
In reply to Post #667 Much appreciated, mate.
Good man, Chuffy!
In reply to Post #674 Guys, All of Kevs videos have been taken down due to the copy righted music that was on them.
I'm sure Kev will be along to explain more.
In reply to Post #673 just came here to find out what had happened to all his vids!
i even logged in to my account but still no kev vids
Links not working. Vimeo is now a subscription site.
In reply to Post #580 I am binge watching these...well, sort off. I watch one a day each afternoon while on my indoor exercise bike. Make the time go quickly and the weight is falling off...Trouble is, Christmas looms!
In reply to Post #580 Just watched Rainbow June 2013 Part 3. It was great to see Rod H on top form. What a Legend, in the true sense of the word. That still of him in the van towards the very end of the film is Rod to a tee. Rest well, Big Man
In reply to Post #668 Hi Ken, I messaged Kev to see if he was aware and he is. Currently appealing against it but if that doesn't work he may re-edit the video with the offending track/tracks removed
In reply to Post #580 Kev: are you aware that this vid, Rainbow Revisited, November 2012 Part 1, is blocked by Vimeo due to (alleged) music copyright infringement. Shame is that.
In reply to Post #665 TOP man Chuffy, cheers
In reply to Post #664 Kev has got someone looking into it in case it's an issue with his Vimeo account settings, watch this space.
In reply to Post #663 I can't view these
In reply to Post #662 Don't know what's going on there, all the links are still ok?? There's some weird stuff goes on with this forum
Might be something in the settings in Kev's account since he renewed his hosting...
WTF Every time I click a link it takes me to a Vimeo sign up page
Anybody know how I can bypass this..?
In reply to Post #660 New one up
In reply to Post #659 Thanks Chris, I also put one up yesterday HERE, it's kind of got lost in the stickies thread which is ironic
In reply to Post #657
In reply to Post #656 Be very soon watching it now 🤗
Should be a new one to update soon he's just been in peg 6 (good peg this time of year).
In reply to Post #654 Excellent stuff from Kevin He does remind me of Alan Carr though
In reply to Post #653
In reply to Post #652 Thanks Yonny
In reply to Post #651 Oztent
In reply to Post #580 Anyone know the makers of the square shaped bivvy used in the videos. Been doing a search on internet can not find nothing.
In reply to Post #648 Yeah Vimeno is a strange app.
Works fine on my phone, but has a paddy on my smart TV.
I have to open the films on my phone and highlight as watch later, then close phone app and go into app on my TV and its in the watch later file. It also doesn't like being paused for some reason - every time I pause it, when press play it goes for a few mins and then restarts from the beginning.
In reply to Post #646 Works ok on my iPad, I just click the link
In reply to Post #646 I had the same issue on my iPad. Got the Vimeo app and it's fine now. Not sure about the YouTube problem though
In reply to Post #646 Do some Googling, there's loads about this issue.
In reply to Post #580 Any idea why I can't watch any of these on my iPad? The film plays with sound going but just a frozen picture? Same with YouTube, sound but no picture? Anyone out there have any ideas?
In reply to Post #643 Just go on vimeo an google Kevin Ellis
In reply to Post #641 Have I missed one?
In reply to Post #640 Found it now😂😂
A very good video 😭😂
In reply to Post #639 Anyone got a link for this? ????
In reply to Post #638 Theres another one kev put up Friday . Its funny as fook , his friends taking the pee basicly
Love Kevs videos. Shows that you don't always have to take everything so serious to enjoy fishing. Always a have a good chuckle.
Great videos
Always nice to see a man enjoying his grub...literally
In reply to Post #616 Your videos are epic Kev , think you should join the rspb
In reply to Post #580 Don't forget to keep an eye out for Kev's deliberate mistakes.
Hint: They are primarily geographical, ornithological and musical and they are brilliant.
In reply to Post #632 Thanks Chris, done.
In reply to Post #629 i think theres's one on the way from his recent Italy trip.
In reply to Post #629 Nothing yet.
Heres a link to his vimeo page so you can check ou all his videos. Sorry but you'll have to paste it into the address bar as I can't do links on my android tablet.
In reply to Post #626 Any more from this year ???
In reply to Post #623 Hi Kev,
Recently had some comments pointed out to me regarding your Koi video exploits and I'd just like to to make the following comments"
Thank you for paying for the cameras and filming kit, the editing software, the drone (which I presume you've probably lost up another tree) and the time you spend putting the videos together so I can watch them for the price of an internet connection whenever I should choose to do so.
After a hard day or when things aren't going great in life there is nothing like being taken to a hobby and a place I'd rather be by the "most photogenic man on the planet" for an hour or so.
As far as ego is concerned, I found it laughable. Your personality and ego are pretty much one and the same and make all the videos unique and enjoyable in their own right.
I hope you stick to your "Never the end" motto
Anyway thanks for the vids
In reply to Post #580 Just watched the latest vids from Kevin, Labyrinth 1 & 2, brilliant as usual, thanks Kevin, look forward to every one of your masterpieces 👍👍.
In reply to Post #624 Yes thanks Rob I was watching them backwards before now watching in correct order as now easier to find
I loved the bit when Kevin met Eric again for the first time
In reply to Post #623 As I said, it's a pleasure Kev.
In reply to Post #622 Thanks Chuffy too for collating them
In reply to Post #621 Thanks comments boys, much appreciated and enjoy shareing them well as making them.
In reply to Post #615 The Kevin Ellis vids really are the best IMO.
In reply to Post #619 Brilliant mate, keep me busy for a while
In reply to Post #618 It's a pleasure mate.
I have now put together a list of his 'other venue' videos HERE.
In reply to Post #580 Rob........I for one would like to thank you for taking the time for sorting this all out
In reply to Post #616 Link has Been in foreign section for days.....
New video up gents..
Kevins vids are reality, as it happens its nice of him to take time and let us enjoy his adventures ,
should be fishing kev **** us lot, go all that way to catch fish and end up entertaining us anglers.
There is no other vids out there i find. More entertaining, sitting on the edge of my seat sometimes hoping your bell rings an you land the whopper,
Cup of tea
In reply to Post #612 Thanks mate and thats why we go pal, or I do and you do, pleasure. Catching and the rest are all part of this fantastic pastime
Happy times
Runneil, agree mate, perfect balance
In reply to Post #611 Not a patch on kevs.
In reply to Post #609 Hope u get well soon, but what u say about the laughs and the friendship is what i tend to remember about fishing trips, not the occasional big fish but the falling into the water or out of the tree, the beers and the banter
In reply to Post #580 Great vids these by Kevin Ellis set at just the right mix of humour and serious fishing. Quite like the ones by Lee Morris too, just wish he didn't winge and whine so much whilst playing a fish, sounds more like he's giving birth than fishing
In reply to Post #580
cheers for sorting those out, still got several to see.
In reply to Post #608 Well, after totalling my sports bike and fracturing 6 ribs and my collar bone I've had plenty of time to watch all the videos lol
Really enjoyed them all, some of the best fishing material I have seen, captures the real side of fishing, great friends, some top lads, good times, great banter, real passion evident and happy, happy, happy times
I bet when they look back at these in 5, 10, 15 - 20 years time they will have a smile on their face, a lump in their throat and a tear in their eyes
Absolutely brilliant
Never the end...
In reply to Post #607 Well, I'm half the way through these now, absolutely brilliant !
The man loves his fishing and certainly likes a good dinner lol
Great little interviews, great banter and love the fishing, brilliant
If this does not deserve a sticky I'm not sure what does, especially since all the links have been organised. Some of the best carping blogs / vids I've seen, by far
In reply to Post #606 I always love watching these, stunning fish with a bit of comedy
Finally got round to watching this last night and wasn't disappointed...
Keep them coming kev...
In reply to Post #604 Agree
I'm on my 4th link already
In reply to Post #580 Thanks for doing that Chuffy, awesome job
In reply to Post #602 On you tube mate?
In reply to Post #601 check out the drive and survive videos.
Public lakes. Home made also. Like these, also very good... but obv v different
In reply to Post #580 Seen this thread flying around for a while and took little interest.
Absolutely fantastic, just watched the first one
Without sounding like a tw@t France has never interested me, after been asked to go several times in the past I have never been bothered. Always been happy doing my own thing
That Rainbow lake and the fishing style is something else, would I love to have a dabble their, looks fantastic, proper challenge and a totally different way of fishing, over grown, little wild, brilliant
And if that's just homemade filming, exceptional, happy times
Just got all the rest to watch now, book me a place
Finally kev, finally
In reply to Post #597
And I've heard it's very good,that's my night sorted tonight...
I've edited the link at the bottom of the list.
In reply to Post #595 It's up now...
In reply to Post #595 Try copying and pasting this link https://vimeo.com/172709322
In reply to Post #594 Shame the latest one is still having problems...
In reply to Post #580 really enjoyed kevs videos didnt know there were that many top block
In reply to Post #592
In reply to Post #591 I watched it and it was fine on my PC ? Are you trying to watch it on a phone by any chance ? as that possibly could be the problem m8
there is a problem and its being looked into
In reply to Post #588 Clicked the link This video is private
In reply to Post #588 Nice one dude...i will be watching that after...beats watching england any day...
In reply to Post #588 Nice
I've added it to my list, Mods should make it a sticky maybe.
Hes posted a new mar peche in foreign waters section today
In reply to Post #583 I think I've got all the Rainbow ones, apart from one that's two other guys?
Someone else can deal with the others like Marpeche etc in the relevant threads if they like
In reply to Post #583 He has a couple more now marpeche there's a link on foreign section
In reply to Post #580 You have missed some out as he's posted more :-)
In reply to Post #581 Ha ha, they are even better the 2nd time around
In reply to Post #580 Why did you have to post this !!!!!!
Starting number 1 again now
Good work, makes it a lot easier
In reply to Post #578 Just watched the latest one. Excellent as usual, hard ba*tard as well sewing up his foot with a baiting needle 😂
In reply to Post #577 There is only one and he's already started a thread...
In reply to Post #576 Kevin has just posted a new set of videos for Rainbow.
I working so cant get onto Vimeo to link it, but i am sure some kind soul will.
In reply to Post #574 Finally! Cant wait to watch these
Two new vids on Vimeo. Xmas watching sorted..
In reply to Post #572 Look forward to these vids just as much as the Carp cast 👍
Absolute quality! Love the sleep walking
In reply to Post #570 thanks,
Just watched them, great video as always
DL it at home and watched it on the bank...
Roll on next week and i will do the same...
Second instalment now on his Facebook page
Shannon ripping it out of Kev eating lunch!!!
Quality,made my day
Cracking as always, roll on episodes 2&3
In reply to Post #564 Thats tonight sorted
In reply to Post #560 Seems like an age since the last Vid,
I really enjoy his vids.
In reply to Post #560 Happy days,cheers...
In reply to Post #559 it's available now
In reply to Post #557 Yeah says there is no video available...
In reply to Post #556 Something is wrong with that as it was posted 6 days ago...
In reply to Post #555 Think there is a new vid coming, just looked on vimeo and one is processing Rainbow September 2015.
Really enjoyed watching very funny looking forward to the next one.
In reply to Post #553 Kevin you make me piss the end of part 2 . My missus just asked me what's so funny about fishing. . Then answer is kevin ellis
In reply to Post #541 A nice watch, thanks for sharing.
In reply to Post #551 Just watched part 2 of your latest Rainbow vid, brilliant mate, especially Erics shower with 'back washer ' laughed out loud at that. Thanks again for sharing. 👍👍
In reply to Post #550 Guys
Thanks, link to shower, are a few sellers on ebay doing them, was Erics idea but as usual claimed is mine :-)
Will be at Rainbow, Mar Peche, Island lake and maybe Cassien or Etang as year develops.
Always a joy to watch Kev but it don't half make the wait for the trips that much more unbearable, still next trip 2 weeks just after Christmas in pegs 1 and 2 and a favorable time for Eric's common from there.
In reply to Post #546 Cant reveal the lady but can give you a link to the shower if that helps lol
Another superb video Kev.
Could watch these over and over again.
One for my bucket list!!!!
A week on rainbow!!!!!
Got one to tick off my list coming up this weekend,a very exclusive invite only water with some huge carp in.!!
In reply to Post #545 Cassien
When he caught that whacker many years ago and I went to the talk he done in Dartford when Lee Jackson was regional organiser sent me on a path as at the time it was an unbelievable sized fish.
The rest is history , nice to see him getting seriously back in the groove the last few years.
Any chance on a link for that back scrubber Kev......
Brilliant as always Kev....
Was the fella scullking behind the van concerned for the well being of his fishing partner. Or just a local voyeur..
In reply to Post #544 Where else you got planned this year kev a trip to cassien?
In reply to Post #541 Another cracking vid Kevin,wish you all the best in August
In reply to Post #541 When it's your vids kevin I refresh the Vimeo page every minute......
Loved the out take at the end......you got the link to that shower on eBay......
In reply to Post #541 Well done Kev will check it out love the banter Eric and you crack me up proper double act
In reply to Post #540 Wayne
You need to get out more, you posted quicker than I can type :-)
Part 2 of 2.
Thanks guys
In reply to Post #538 Part 2 is now up......
In reply to Post #538 Gerry
How could I cut you out :-)
Great entertainment! Roll on part 2!!!
Looking forward to it Gerry
In reply to Post #535 Phil
if Kev don't decide to cut it out you might see my ugly face at the very end of part 2 with my fishing partner Martyn
Great video as always Kev 👍
Although I didn't see you in the first video Gerry my friend did get a mention for catching 😏
In reply to Post #531 Cracking videos again
In reply to Post #531 Those shots with the video glasses are awesome Kevin, I feel like Im playing the fish and feel nervous until it goes over the net ! Brilliant stuff
Excellent video as always kev. Looking forward to watching the rainbow blogs tomorrow
In reply to Post #530 Thanks Guys
Happy answer any questions, have posted Rainbow part 1 of 2 too this morning in foreign section as seem recall was moved from general section while back, though would not think so from length of this thread :-)
For those looking at video glasses, have ordered Sunnycam just recently as additional pair to Camsports, will give you feedback if get to use them in August....fingers crossed!
In reply to Post #529 So were going to get to see you on camera are we Oldgeezer.
In reply to Post #528 Yep another video that had me smiling all the way through
I met Kevin at Rainbow couple of weeks ago and he is a very nice guy so really looking forward to the Rainbow vid cant wait
In reply to Post #526 Another brilliant vid from Kev, cant wait for his latest Rainbow production.
In reply to Post #526 Cheers for posting been waiting for this
for those that have this thread as a favourite and will get an alert....
kevs just posted his mar peche video in foreign waters section
Kev Ellis Mar Peche May 2015
In reply to Post #524 I been waiting a while for this, due out for my 3rd to mar peche in a month or so
In reply to Post #523 I've been waiting all weekend
Cracking idea but remember your gonna have to cook for 2 for the whole week
In reply to Post #521 That's a very good idea...
In reply to Post #517 think you should do a raffle kev for a place next to you for a week all proceeds go to charity
Really looking forward to watching your new adventures kev
In reply to Post #518 Nice one Kevin.
In reply to Post #516 Hi Kevin,
Can't wait to watch your video's always love them!
In reply to Post #516 Oldgeezer
I use Camsports video glasses, have a search around Amazon and reviews, expect to pay £120-150 for them or similar, you can also use a GoPro which has lots of other applications including underwater but I found in the panic of a bite I would stick on me head and video the sky......glasses so much more accurate!
I will do review of some of my equipment on next trip end August.
In reply to Post #515 Guys
Thanks again for comments, and apologies not been on here, been having to do some work for a change but managed to fit in couple of trips.
Will post over weekend a video of Mar Peche trip in May and next week post Rainbow trip from earlier this month.
Happy to answer any questions.
In reply to Post #513 I like his vids with eric more then most. Looking forward to this one coming out :-0
In reply to Post #512 yes he's with Eric, peg 16 I think
You are out there soon kev? This saturday is it with eric?
In reply to Post #497 Just watched all of Kev ' s videos back to 2013, bloody brilliant some of the best fishing vids I've seen , just wanted to say thanks to Kev, please keep them coming mate 👍👍
In reply to Post #509 Many thanks fella`s
I see they maybe cheaper in France will look at them next week
In reply to Post #507 Took the chance to ask kevin on FB Gerry. He uses camsports. But did suggesy
There maybe better Alt about. Linl him up. His a great lad an always helpful
In reply to Post #507 It may take some trawling through his videos - but i am sure there is one of his blogs where he talks about them and the rest of his recording gear in detail
In reply to Post #497 Can you tell me what video glasses you use please?
I bought a cheap pair and they are proper pony
In reply to Post #503 Can't see it, it's showing as private
In reply to Post #504 Is this last one the most recent guys missed a few
In reply to Post #503 That looks the nuts, not sure it's for fishing though.
kev, i know you spent loads on the drone you bought, but you really need to grab one of these mate, much better for what you want.
just get whoever is in the swim with you to chuck it in the air once your away from the bank and jobs a good en, or just keep it in your boat and give it a chuck once your out there to avoid the trees
and to top it all waterproof!!
In reply to Post #497 New venue Kevin excellent. Make sure you put the footage up even if it ends up a camping video.
In reply to Post #497 Best of luck Kevin
| Pimp | Posts: 10283 |  | MODERATOR | |
In reply to Post #497 good luck Kevin,i saw youd joined the mar peche group.....im sure youll bag a lump or two
In reply to Post #498 Can't wait to watch the new video kev
In reply to Post #497 Wicked mate, no pressure the pleasure is all ours............
I think you capture what holiday fishing is about and what we all go through in the build up and when we are there.
Looking forward to the drone footage. I love the new point of view to see the different lakes.
Tight lines kev have a blast
In reply to Post #496 Thanks Guys
Am off to Mar Peche end of next week for one week, my first French trip of the year, video, GoPro, Glasses and drone in hand....pressure is on :-)
In reply to Post #495 I'll look forward to watching it mate
Me and my mate have got our hands on a go pro for our week in France.
So keep your eyes for our take on a Kev Ellis style video in the near future.
If nothing else it will be a laugh!!!
In reply to Post #491 Yeah i need my fix!
Be patient chaps. These vids are definitely worth the wait. No doubt as soon as he has a chance to get out there. Or anywhere as a matter of fact. His camcorder will be out and we will all be able to enjoy the results..☺
See what you've started Kev. You won't be able to let your public down now will you..😉
In reply to Post #491 Hi kev, how's the fishing going? Have you been filming at all.
Love the vids and just need to break the boredom of work and look forward to my French trip.
When is the next video up kev its been a while
In reply to Post #488 I totally agree, fish safety are essential.
To add running one or two cameras to the excitement when you get a take at Rainbow is a lot. A "dubble take" and the stress limit is close.
I just want to say no fish was harmed during the filming, but a couple of mistakes was made.
I have fished Rainbow about 25 weeks through the years and never damage a fish or left tackle in the water, a have got fish snagged but always got them out, or the few times i have not managed that I always got the rig back.
I have just filmed playing a few fish before this trip, but this time we wanted to do something a little bit "more" than a video diary. But that was more difficulty than we though.
I have seen a lot of stupid fishing down at Rainbow and I get as upset as you.
I think many of us are concerned about the welfare of the unique fish the lake hold. Nothing wrong to criticize when you see someone that putting "the safety of the fish at second hand". I though your first post was a bit over the top, but I think our opinion are not that far apart. Might see you down there in the future, my next trip is October.
Been watching theses videos fae Kevin pissin myself wae laughter really enjoy watching them getting to know the guys he's fishing with big Eric Arj etc the ice crusher get on it like a car bonnet the crusher gone in bin after seeing that.
In reply to Post #487 Mikael I said you COULD be out in the boat for up to a half an hour which is quite possible on the larger fish I know I have been close to this but then my mate is always back on the bank in the eventuality of another rod going off.
Covering a few things I have said and you replied to in your other post as well as this one, there is no mat under the tripod at all times watch your video again, in the rush to get to a take at about 23 minutes you even bounce the already weighed fish off the roots in the sling whilst your mate has a take, the mat in the boat you have apologised for, lifting every fish from the water in just the net is not a safe practice especially with fish to 64lb if there is a slight rip or tear in the net it could give it could if there isn't as well if the nets old or sun bleached and peachy that's why I always put a sling under it for extra security when transporting especially with all the exposed roots in the swims.
Given the editing might have shown a section that I might have taken for your mate fishing the Brazilian tree with an slack clutch because the cut away shot after you are both in the boat close to the said tree so I will apologise if I'm mistaken.
If you make a video for all to see then I'm sorry but your open to critism, I have been fishing Rainbow for the last 8 years and like I said I have seen a lot worse, in fact the middle of the summer last year I witnessed guys on the island from peg 1 with Eric's common out of the water for over 20 minutes in the middle of the hottest part of the day over 30 degrees, he came into our swim that night pissed as a fart he didn't stay long because I told him what I thought,also people fishing the bungee rigs, and when I fished peg 16 there were Hungarians fishing with lines locked into poles with 100lb+ mono and double swivels, yours it not the worst but fish safety is paramount.
I'm not after an argument just saying it as I see it.
In reply to Post #486 I will not waste a lot of time arguing with you Carpstar... Because it sounds like you are wherry quick to judge people you don't know anything about. But I put some things right.
"fishing the Brazilian tree with a semi slack clutch"??? I have never ever done that, I always fishing looked up against snags! The film is edited, not all takes are connected with the playing of the same fish. The takes with semi tight clutch is from open water, takes not to the Braszilian.
Half an hour out in the boat... , We had 15 takes, 2 hook pulls and landed 13 fish. We had friends fishing swim 18 and one of them were in our swim at times, but didn't do any filming.
But you are right about one thing, and that is a one time mistake. I usually transport the fish with the net in the water, if not the distance is 200 meters +. Then I take the fish aboard on to a mat. This time we forgot the mat, not a good excuse, but it is the first time ever. I apologies for that misstake.
I totally agree there is a lot of people fishing Rainbow, that not can handle the fish or angling situation. I´we seen people sacking fish, fishing with bait runner close to snags, loosing fish after fish, Keeping the fish out of the water 15-20 minutes, taking ridiculous numbers of fotos, fishing 300 meters distance with nylon standing up holding the fish.
I can go on and on, but if you have been there you probably seen it by your self. Often it is people from eastern Europe , (but not all of them) and I have seen britts fishing and respecting the fish extremely poor as well. Some people make misstakes and others are respectless... Do you know the difference?
In reply to Post #485 In saying all that Chris I have seen and known a lot worse down there, it doesn't go unmissed.
In reply to Post #484 I think it was worse than the spaniard. These videos show all the mere mortals why they cant fish this exclusive place
In reply to Post #483 That was just for starters.
Lifting fish over 60lb in just the net no sling around it to support the lifting, fishing the Brazilian tree with a semi slack clutch then walking backwards, pointless the fish could make the jungle of snags just under and beyond it, going two up in the boat for every fish, what happens to all the other unattended rods whilst they could be out there for up to or more than half an hour.
I could go on.
In reply to Post #482 On its belly in the bottom of the bait without a Matt??
In reply to Post #481 On par Chris.
In reply to Post #480 in comparison to the spanish guy i showed you that you stopped watching? worse?... il have a look later
Not one of Kevin's nor is it of the same standard but some Swedish guys that have put a vid up recently of Rainbow, in my opinion all that I hate about some of the anglers who visit their with little or no idea, granted they land a few fish but things within this one to boil yer piss.
In reply to Post #476
In reply to Post #477 No youve started something
In reply to Post #476 he doesnt fish in the winter, its too cold for Essex boys.
Us kent boys do though
In reply to Post #475 Anything coming up kev ? Seems like years since last one
I'm just grateful that he makes the films just for the enjoyment
I agree with what has been said. I watched a couple of the later ones just out of curiosity really as I'd heard about the fishing round poles and islands etc at Rainbow.
I enjoyed the ones I watched so decided to go back to watch them all from episode 1 and even watched the ones I had already seen before. I found myself living the journey with him from day 1 and as you watched each new episode you got to know the anglers on there. Thoroughly enjoyed them so far and look forward to seeing future episodes.
I love his sense of humour, I bet its lost on some people though.
I even started watching the koi ones as I used to keep koi myself in days gone by.
edit. I heard he was an accountant but not sure if that's true or not as he refers to a furniture business in one of the episodes. Minted by the look of his house and Koi collection!
In reply to Post #472 I reckon he was one of the infamous Essex Boys and made all his cash in the late 80's early 90's.
In reply to Post #471 Id love to see a video of some of his fishing in england. Ive been watching the koi ones too. You can tell they cost a fortune as they one mention prices whn talking about the cheap fish (£500). What do u do for a living kev as I think im in the wrong job
In reply to Post #470 Haha. Yes! You just knew what was coming!
Funniest bit for me was when he was fishing with Dale (quiet lad). They arrive at a swim and they're looking around it.
Dale: "This is where I was this time last year....same dates....."
Camera stays on Dale......
Kev: "Yeah? Is there an 'and'?........'
Dale: "No"
Just cracks me up every time.
Anyone else fancy a fry up or curry when watching these?! Make me starving.
love these vids. not my type of fishing either but i absolutely love kevs humour. I find myself laughing my head off when i watch these. when he was panning the camera up at arjens hair i was laughing because i knew he was dying to say something before he even said it.
He's even got me watching his koi vids when they go up as well,he's certainly a character
In reply to Post #467 You know i was going to ask the same when you mentioned the eating bit.
Surely he's not that messy when eating..lol looks like a baby that hasn't had it's face wiped :-)
Finally got round to watching these. Absolutely-bloody-brilliant.
I never bothered before because I didn't know anything about the lake or Kevin and I just assumed it was the usual type of carp video blog that bore me after 5 minutes. I couldn't have been more wrong. I've never seen anything like them. Some of them are 1h 30m long and yet I watch them all the way through.
I started with the first one and wasn't sure what to make of it. Snags, Gazebos, TVs, DVD players, fridges........ I thought: "This ain't for me...." Then something just clicked..... I just didn't get his humour at first and didn't realise 99% of the time he is just taking the piss out of himself and everyone he meets. Oak trees, Golden eagles, baby magpies, giant insects........
He's got an amazing gift of putting people at ease and just chatting to them like he's known them all his life. I can't believe the stuff he gets away with!
It inspires my own fishing which couldn't be any more different to Rainbow.
I only have one complaint. WTF is the eating all about? Please tell me it's a joke? It's the most vile thing I've ever seen.
Other than that. Absolutely brilliant. If you read this Kev, thanks so much for making these. You're a star. You've captured something really special. Something I knew nothing about. Very emotional watching you talk about your Mum
The joke at end was brilliant!!! Happy new year all
In reply to Post #463 Hi all I liked the look of the led light they both had,does any one know if you can buy those.
In reply to Post #463 Not really my bag this. Looks like catch at any cost. Yeah strong gear lines etc. But fishing over islands, round corners into snags. No thanks.
In reply to Post #460 You can get the heaters on e bay they are paraffin heaters called big reds they are £50-£60 new, if you get one just make sure you get the good paraffin with no smell, they are meant for heating massive areas, so the output heat is pukka.
Sterling effort as always Mr Ellis. Glad to see you keeping up the old school tradition of see no different in clothes you'd wear out with a night with the lads and the clothes you'd go fishing in.
Congratulations on your new Rainbow PB by the way.
In reply to Post #457 Would like to know where I can buy them heaters
Love the rolled up jeans mate, very dexy's midnight runners
In reply to Post #457 Brilliant videos just finished watching them both
In reply to Post #455 Cant get them to work
In reply to Post #454 Hi Kevin was you on the lake a few weeks ago ?
Couple of new vids up Chaps....
In reply to Post #452 Legend
Fishing how it should be
looks like the tacklebox in Dartford have nicked your donking rod idea and are making a few quid of the back of it as well...
You want to meet his brother if you think he's funny, sorry to hear about your mum Kev.
On a lighter note what is that shirt all about ! Didn't you used to wear that to the ilford Palais back in 87 ?
In reply to Post #449 Love his videos so much. I was cry laughing at his french voice on the phone. Priceless
Looks like a great bloke to go fishing for the week with
loved the movie as always!
kevin, what landing-net rods and braid do you use ?
Brilliant as allways Kev.....
In reply to Post #446 thanks again mr ellis great viewing
In reply to Post #444 Im getting on the snowgirls
kev what do you do for a career ?
In reply to Post #443 Looks like the headphones are going in . No work getting done
In reply to Post #442 damn, at the office currently, can't wait
In reply to Post #441 Part 2 of the latest video is now up
This is the actual rainbow part of the trip!
In reply to Post #440 Geography always was his strong point lol..
In reply to Post #439 his knowledge of the famous landmarks is amazing!
In reply to Post #432 Another great vid, I especially like Kev's 'Allo Allo' style accent when talking to a French chap on the phone
In reply to Post #437 You should be able to. I watch on ipad air without any problems....
Are these videos only available on Vimeo ?
I can't watch them on the ipad
In reply to Post #432 Just started watching your video's kevin. Brilliant m8. Totally agree with Kells and harveyboy. Roll on part 2.
Brilliant as always Kev.. felt for you there. She would of been proud.
In reply to Post #432 thank you so much mr ellis-top bloke sorry for your loss
In reply to Post #430 Can anyone put the latest links up please?
In reply to Post #429 I don't usually, but without giving the game away, I felt well sorry for the bloke..
In reply to Post #428 Yer never got emotional over a fishing video
Found myself welling up watching part 1......
In reply to Post #426 Yes. My night sorted
New video up.......3 trips including July......
to those who follow kev and the others that fish there on Fb etc-No spoilers please, i dont wanna read on here he caught an 80, i want to be just as shocked/pleased as he will be when it happens.
cheers lads
In reply to Post #423 hes out there at the moment. Saw few updates via Eric whos fishing with him.
Always nice to have a vid coming soon
In reply to Post #409 not gonna bang on coz its all been said,real top quality vids mate thoroughly enjoyed them
In reply to Post #420 my mistake its part 1 of the june trip that iv seen thought there is or was a part 2 coming.
In reply to Post #419 He hasn't put part one up yet. The July trip got cut short and the footage was going to be included in the October film i believe..
In reply to Post #418 hoping for part 2 of the july trip
In reply to Post #417 Give the man a break , he's not back on there till next month....
In reply to Post #416 any progress on the eagerly awaited next video mr ellis please?
In reply to Post #409 Really enjoyed watching the Rainbow videos, now I'm into watching the Koi ones !
Thank you
In reply to Post #413 Really struggled for motivation this yr with the hot weather, watching these videos always makes me realise why I love this sport
In reply to Post #413 get in
Part 1 of the June trip now up on Vimeo ,fill yr boots boys... .
In reply to Post #409 Sorry to hear the sad news, it was good to meet you again down there and hopefully we will bump into each other again soon, you never know maybe up on the Wye.
In reply to Post #409 Kev mate, thanks for the time and effort you take putting these videos up, I really enjoy them.
However the food around your boat makes me wanna blow chunks
In reply to Post #409 Sorry for ur loss kevin.
In reply to Post #408 Guys
My june trip is edited but still need to sort the copyright music issue bear with me.
Was there this week but had to leave early due to family bereavement so will include this footage at start of my October Rainbow trip.
Will be at another lake in france early september, will keep you posted and thanks again for the comments guys.
In reply to Post #407 well we wont see for at least another week as he is back out at rainbow now
In reply to Post #406 probably just end up stumping up for the PRS on all them crappy 80's tracks he insists on playing on his vids anyway...
In reply to Post #405 Hes still looking into finding another host site where he can use his music... He'll sort it. It wouldn't be the same without the music personally.
In reply to Post #404 No idea sorry
In reply to Post #401 Carpy any news on how Kev's getting on uploading the videos?
In reply to Post #401 Had a message from Youtube about copyright music on a video i had up. They left it alone provided i agreed to them showing adverts.
In reply to Post #401 ah well, he had a good run, was wondering when they would get onto the music.
there are many vid sharing sites, but with them your only gonna get given a link to share it, not gonna be like havin your own page on youtube/vimeo etc with all your vids on show for people to watch.
think dailymotion is like vimeo. also zippcast might be worth a try
Kevs just posted on his Facebook profile his having trouble posting the videos on Vimeo as they have now blocked copy right music he likes to add to the videos his after suggestion on other sites to post the videos on
In reply to Post #398 I would if I could...lucky guy
In reply to Post #398 forsure forsure
In reply to Post #397 this Arjen fella, does he live on bloody rainbow?
In reply to Post #396 I believe he's out there next week , on the island with Arjen (who's emptying the place - again.....) , so should be an interesting vid....
In reply to Post #394 Kevin, when will we get the next installment of your videos? Even if not on Rainbow mate the videos are hilarious even when your trying to be serious. C'mon Kev post some more Fairbrass etc aren't a patch on yours
In reply to Post #394 Great news Kev....
As for the new filming ideas.... Please no naked carp fishing. Don't think were quite ready for that yet...
In reply to Post #393 Guys
Thanks again comments, have couple Rainbow trips lined up for the Summer, and hope to get on another water in between, video in hand.
Got couple ideas for filiming new style of footage too, will keep you posted.
In reply to Post #392 kev-does big fish thursday only apply to rainbow????? any more videos on their way for us all to enjoy please?
In reply to Post #391 Kev get somemore videos up...
In reply to Post #390 is there another video coming soon kev please??
In reply to Post #382 Lol another one is something like 'The Suns been rising in the East the past few years'
I also found it hilarious when he was getting called Baldric with that hat on!!! Brilliant videos.
Just finished watching the last one, excellent as always
That Bein seems like a total nutter !!!
Brilliant viewing
The Third one of the JRC trip is the best yet. Don't often laugh at much fishing related footage. But this one had me chuckling away to myself. Won't spoil it but Kevin
When its a full moon in.............
In reply to Post #386 I stayed up late as possible last night watching these..cant wait to get home to watch the ones i didnt manage to watch.. Quality vids. Kev you are a funny bloke..
Loved how wound up you mate kept getting with the camera on the first videos
In reply to Post #385 Anybody who fishes in a going out out shirt gets my vote....awsome videos
In reply to Post #383 don't know what your getting at m8 everyone who fishes rainbow eats like that myself included
I like the fact that he has a laugh in his flims shows he is a normal bloke I often like these bits. I think it is better then watching certain fishing blogs were people are like robots and go on about the same old things.
In reply to Post #382 It's just the slopping mouth / food thing. Turns my stomach
I can do blood / brains/ ***** and gore!
In reply to Post #381 Come on Rich, you must realise Kev is just doing this as a bit of fun, let's face it, it's not the only messing about he is doing is it.
Rainbow about 15km from the pacific
A robin being described as a bullfinch
The 'magpie'
Man eating caterpillars
and that's just a few
In reply to Post #380 Right.
If it's done " for a laugh", I apologise, BUT it still annoys me about his vids. I DO still like them them though, as I've stated throughout posts.
The are really not needed, trust me. As a fireman of 20 years in a busy city station I DO have a a small sense of humour, and once laughed , in the mid 90s.
In reply to Post #376 Surely it's plainly obvious that it's just a joke?? I'm guessing that he's got a reputation amongst friends for being a messy eater and so plays the part for a laugh.
...The idea that Mr Ellis eats like that and films it to look "with it"
And even if he did genuinely eat like that, it's his video, filmed at his expense, he can do whatever he bl**dy well likes!
In reply to Post #376 Your reading far to much into it Fella. Its done for a laugh. He taking the piss out of himself nothing more.
In no way is it portraying the gradual decline of moral standards of this country
He's from Essex for Christ sake. They don't go that deep...
In reply to Post #377
In reply to Post #376 Its all done for effect mate , its called humour. Perhaps you should try it sometime....
In reply to Post #375 Really??
You think that the vids are better with that?
Well I was brought up with manners, and I'd be mortified if I ever ate like that, let alone filmed doing it.
But hey, I'm just an old fart, not " with it", what do manners matter.
And yes, I understand its just a fishing video, but FFS, we have surrendered so many of our cultural traditions and norms, can't we try and keep some of our manners.
Not having a rant, Kevin, just saying it spoils your great vids for me.
In reply to Post #374 Thats all part of the appeal of them ....
In reply to Post #373 Great videos, but please, please, please NO MORE footage of you / your mate eating like a pig! Open mouth, slopping your chops, food round your mouth, talking with your mouth full. Come on fella, you seem pretty switched on.
Great vids apart from.
First part is up on vimeo now for you tech heads who do links.
Edit: Just noticed Kevin has opened a new thread with all three parts.
In reply to Post #350 any news mate?
In reply to Post #370 I kept seeing this post and assumed it was just referring to the original couple of vids from 2012 then clicked the other day on the link and have been absolutely hooked on them!
These videos really sum up what it's all about! I know I will never get the chance to go to rainbow -Christ, I don't think I'd be able to handle it to tell the truth -but it gives you a real insight into what it's really like and why so many people hold it in such regard! As for the social side of it -I found myself laughing along with Kevin time and again leading to some VERY odd looks from the missus!
Keep em coming kev -look forward to seeing the footage from your next trip(s)!
In reply to Post #369 I don't think the DVD is the full version , Kev's is 4 hours plus , split over three parts. Arjen's is an edited version i believe. Gonna have to wait a couple more weeks i'm afraid.
In reply to Post #368 Lol whats it matter if there as been thousands of copys given away at the show with the magazine
In reply to Post #367 I could but I wouldn't as Arjen who runs Spiegel magazine is a mate..
In reply to Post #366 Can you not upload it on you tube
Looks like it's early March for the JRC DVD for the rest of you boys as it's being released in Germany first now.
Or you can have my copy.
In reply to Post #351 Hi kev, I was in 789 last may, love the videos, been an eventful couple of week s for Richard and craig on the island, strange weather all over!
Some of the best carp videos I've ever seen. It really gives you a feel for Rainbow and I can't wait for more. After what feels like a long break from fishing they have got me itching to get back on it.
Met Kev on Sunday at the show he came over and introduced himself on our stand, he looked as mad as a box of frog's with his backcombed hairdo he was on a flyer and off to the airport, also picked up a copy of the DVD off the Spiegel stand and watched it this morning.
Arjen's second 60lb common off the island swim is the one I had on the 4th of Jan this year up 7lb since he had it and the Dinosaur common was out to my mate the month before at 67lb up 3lb the next month at bang on 70lb phenomenal..
In reply to Post #361 Yea, met Kevin in Zwolle, can only say it was a pleasure meeting him.
(his a bit shorter in RL than i would have thought, Same goes for Eric)
Like i said: keep up the brilliant work Kevin, Loving those Vids.
In reply to Post #360 Kev's over at the Zwolle show atm i believe , so wont be till he gets back i would think .
In reply to Post #359 Be good bet it will be a week or 2 though!!
In reply to Post #358 Wonder if they will be on tonight ?
In reply to Post #357 This weekend
In reply to Post #356 What dates the zoelle carp show guys
In reply to Post #351 oops - duplicate post
In reply to Post #351 Please keep them coming Kev don't worry about the geography - as long as you can find your way home. Somehow you capture the true spirit of fishing without showing off, being patronising, or trying to sell stuff all the time.
Looking forward to watching it Kev as all the other videos have been good!
Excellent can't wait, when are you back out there Kev?
In reply to Post #350 4hrs, nice. Cant wait.
Keep up the good work
In reply to Post #350 Guys
As for geography, could of sworn that was the Paciifc nearby, should of listened more at school :-)
In reply to Post #349 Guys
Thanks again comments, Arjen will be giving away their edited version of my footage at the Zwolle show in Feb with his Spiegel magazine which I believe is their version of Carpworld, which approx. 90 mins long, have seen it and they have done an excellent job, and bear in mind they have to use copyright free music etc.
My vimeo upload will be up shortly afterwards, in three parts total approx 4 hours in usualk style and hope you enjoy it.
Looking back, been great experience meeting these lads, and was not sure how best to capture the week and same time promote some elements of their tackle, having reminded them before we went not to expect me up a tree for a week waiting for a Golden Eagle ( of which there are a few at Rainbow) to extract a fish from the waters surface, feel we have done a good job between us....you be the judges
In reply to Post #310 Kevins videos are getting better all the time... a truly unique style.
His cooking ability remains unenviable... stick to takeaways.
but his geography ... oh dear.
In reply to Post #346 I watched Part1 and 2, and thought Kev's presentation and the general feel for the videos was great, really enjoyed them.
Not my kind of fishing mind, and the fish did nothing for me.
There's a little taster clip on YouTube, the giants of rainbow lake.
In reply to Post #343 Sorry, yes to be clear, it is the arjen magazine. It was in some of kevs videos before.
He is the manager/editor.
Kev said recently that the JRC vids will be up on Vimeo in early Feb.
Only a few weeks to wait
In reply to Post #340 I would guess thats the magazine Arjen has something to do with going by a previous video of Kevins where they talk about/show a foriegn magazine?
Where can you buy this? Never heard of it, Good spot
In reply to Post #340 Good spot
Just seen on facebook there is a free dvd with Spiegel magazine called the giants of rainbow. Has jrc in the photo, says starring eric, arjen, kevin ellis to name a few.
Guess this is why its not on vimeo yet. They want to give it away free first for marketing reasons with the magazine.
In reply to Post #337 I have been checking the jrc website but nothing yet...may be the airbrushing in of jrc products is taking its time!?!
In reply to Post #336 what happened to the jrc vid please anyone?
In reply to Post #310 Always a good watch
In reply to Post #334 Always a pleasure to watch ... thanks muchly
In reply to Post #333 Not as good as the last ones (but great fun to watch)
Part 2, great watch as ever Kev. Exactly how carp fishing videos should be done.
In reply to Post #330 Dave with the blonde rag on his head cracks me up. Brilliant
In reply to Post #330 thanks kev,great entertainment
In reply to Post #329 Hey kev , I think it time for a cuppa tea .....
Great work KEV
After thinking about his exploits to date I do believe there is an 80 with his name on it , now wouldn't,t that be something
In reply to Post #326 Carlsberg don't do fishing videos, but if they did.....
Best carp video blogs out there thank you very much Kevin look forward to more in 2014 merry chirstmas and bloody great new year
No more dad dancing please
In reply to Post #310 Another cracking watch kev brilliant stuff loving the dancing at the end
In reply to Post #310 thanks kev .............I enjoyed it .......cheers
just seems to get better and better lilac wine blimey ain`t heard that in years
I'll be having nightmares now whenever i hear "Dancing Queen"..
Blinding watch Kev , but a bit of an anti climax waiting for the next instalment.
You definitely should go fishing more
now you know why his missus lets him go fishing so much, on the condition that she does the musical scores for the film's
In reply to Post #317 Snow Patrol will be spinning in their grave.
Cracking footage once again........bloody good dancer too Kev........can't wait for the next ones.......
In reply to Post #310 Leona Lewis? LEONA LEWIS?
Even my wife commented that there is no place for Leona Lewis in a fishing video
In reply to Post #314 How does he manage the wife. And filming it . now now.