In reply to Post #177 aha welcome to the general, good friend of mine. like me his humour will probably 90% of the time go right over ya head 5% of the time annoy the living crapola out of you and 5% of the time make you pee ya pants. oh n hes not northern he just has the misfortune to live at the wrong end of the country
Hi New to the show! in need of some experience and tips ! cheers guys
In reply to Post #172 Now that is an Intro
welcome Peter
and welcome all, have a bit of banter along the way and the obvious
use the searchfunction
hi all
newbie here
In reply to Post #14 morning all do we have some warm weather on the way
In reply to Post #1000 hi guys i am a newbie on here so dont now wot to say well lookin forward to catchin some rite lumps this season well thats that said i am john from blackpool so if any1 wot to talk carp i am here to talk
In reply to Post #168 Hello everyone.
My name is Peter and I live in Essex and an 65 years young.Have recently retired from work and after 40 years hard graft I am looking forward to the best years of my life (hopefully).
I first started carp fishing in the early 70s but due to work and raising a family never could devote the time to Angling as much as I would have liked.
I often reflect on my childhood angling experiences with my grandfather who introduced me to the sport and Happy summer holidays fishing for large Rudd and Crucians in local small ponds and then Pike fishing on the river Chelmer and Chub fishing in the winter on the river roding.
When my sons were old enough I had the pleasure of taking them fishing and soon joined local clubs and introduced them to the pleasures of Carp fishing.
Although I had a high pressure job and time was limited,fishing with my sons has been one the greatest pleasures in my life.I am proud to say that they have grown up into fine adults and are both much better anglers than me.
Now, I am looking forward to a great year of carp fishing,lots of time on the bank,hopefully sessions of 2/3 days.
What bliss!!!
I belong to a great small club which has 2 beautiful lakes and most of the members are 10/20 years older than me,all these wonderful old guys say that fishing has kept them going,so I hope that forcast bodes well for me.
Over the next few months I am replacing all of my gear which is around 17 years old but like my Harrison rods have aged gracefully.
Already thanks to this forum I will be ordering new rods from the guys at Cotswolds,whom every one seems to praise.
I will now sign off as I am starting to ramble.
Wishing everyone well
In reply to Post #1000 morning all.first time on this forum i feel like its my first day at school lol.anyway the names dodge and im from leicester and mainly fish the stanwick complex.ps....i never blank, i just run out off time !
hi all
being reading carp forums an fishing for bout four years, fort it was time to join best one
got love the smileys
In reply to Post #168 Still falling, it has too much and it seems to be no plan to stop.
To hear this much snow we never had, everything changes ... even the weather conditions.
In reply to Post #165 Hope you are not buried under too much snow, Zoran. It looks terrible in your country, from what we are seeing on the UK television stations.
In reply to Post #166 Welcome mate!
Take things with a pinch of salt and take the good advice offered. However, like life, there are a few 's on here but you'll soon work them out!
In reply to Post #165 Thought I should introduce myself here.....
Been browsing these forums for around 5-6 years but thought it was about time to contribute to the forum.
Loads of helpful posts that have no doubt helped hundreds of others like myself.
Been fishing since I can remember, around 22 years. Started off with a stunning telescopic rod fishing for small stuff in a local lake when I was a kid and progressed through the years. Only started carp fishing seriously about 2 years ago and it really has me 'hooked'.
In reply to Post #151 Hello everyone
My name is Zoran, I'm from Serbia. I've been fishing for about 15 years ago, initially I fish caught with lures for pike, perch and catfish, carp fishing now. Carp is much more demanding users for fishing and a real pleasure to catch carp, take pictures of it and go back into the water.
I hope that I divided my experience with you about carp fishing
In reply to Post #150 hey all im ,
been fishing for about 5,6 years
biggest carp uk is 31 lb
biggest french carp is 39lb
used to be a member of "go fishing" forum but to be honest not many people on it and it was dominated by about two people .
im 16 and fish around surrey ,kent and london
ollie 18