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 New Posts  Hemp and tench
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Posts: 5227
   Old Thread  #36 1 Jun 2024 at 9.48pm  0  Login    Register
Well done Sauro, the Carp have arrived and you've earned it let us know how it goes
Posts: 276
   Old Thread  #35 1 Jun 2024 at 9.07pm  1  Login    Register
Finally arrived the carp. I'm well chuffed, the last session is been something that happen rarely from the lake, but let's start with order.

Last Saturday I got there in the afternoon and fished up to Sunday mid morning: blanked. Neither a tench. but in the early night I heard a big carp crashing the water few meters from where I was, close to the bank in front of a poplar tree, and another carp (not big as the other) on the left. I had one rod very close to both but in deeper water. And another rod not so far on the right in deeper water as well. Don't move any of the rods in the hope they'd go down or move toward one of the rods. Blanked but I was happy to have had carp's presence in front of me.

Yesterday I got there after work, arrived in late afternoon and when I was due to cast the second rod in front of the big poplar, I saw a carp swimming slowly in front of me. Pendulum cast quietly I can manage, followed by three little spoon of particles and a dozen of boilies scattered around. About one hour and a half later the rod in front of the poplar tree gone off and I had the first carp of the year from the lake, a little (for the lake standard) common of something between 18 and 19 lbs. Recasted the rod in position with the same 24 mms boilie, baited in the same way as before and come back to bed in the hope of more action during the night. At around 3:30 the same rod had a take and after a hard fight I netted another common carp, only this time more on the lake's standard than the previous, just under 50 pounds (in kilograms 22,4). One hour later the right hand rod went off and caught another common, the little of the three.

Finally the plan start to come together and I hope that the carp will continue to visit the area in the months onwards. Finger crossed
Posts: 276
   Old Thread  #34 22 May 2024 at 12.43pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #32
Tried it with a grain of maize with no results. I gets the toughts about the meshed hemp isn't the same as the seeds around, but during the dark hours don't think they'd found differences, almost all the tench got caught at night.

To keep carp on my baited spots should be well over my expectations, I hope they will start to visit the area soon.
Posts: 7120
   Old Thread  #32 21 May 2024 at 9.26pm  1  Login    Register
you can definitely keep wild carp in really big lakes (500+ acres) in an area for extended periods of time by constant prebaiting with particles however your results will drop off over time - especially with bigger fish.

I have managed to keep fish in an area for 5 months from July to November a couple of years ago by baiting with approx 40kg bait a week - maize, hemp, tigers & boilies. A few fish were caught multiple times & the action remained steady throughout all this time whilst other anglers in the area struggled however the same tactics in the same area dropped off when I tried it in the following years.

Also worth noting that big fish came very early on in the campaign & dropped over time so that now there are no big fish being caught from the spot at all. This is similar to other areas on the lake - heavily fished spots tend to only provide smaller fish.

TCarper is correct about fish not wanting to be in places they don't want to be & in the spring, food is the last thing to be keeping them in an area - they want warmth & easy life & I have found they will only be in some area's for a very limited amount of time - sometimes just a few weeks before they head off elsewhere.

with respect to the meshed hemp - I suspect they aren't eating it because it doesn't look like the rest of the hemp. try it with a small bit of yellow plastic on top & I bet they'll start taking it.

Posts: 276
   Old Thread  #30 21 May 2024 at 8.30pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #27
The lake I'm on don't has this problem, very rarely we caught carp under 20 lbs. But there are a lot of nuisance fish that nibble the hook baits and, sometimes get hooked when they try to eat the boilies, caught some rudd with a double 24 mms.

I thought that tench eat the hemps (why not?) but, at the moment I haven't caught one with them, only on boilies, even if baited only boilies without particles.
Posts: 276
   Old Thread  #29 21 May 2024 at 8.10pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #26
They haven't spawned yet, spawning time on the lake is around the end of June up to mid July, but it could be even a bit forward, a mate told me he caught a male that release sperm in August. At the moment the water temperature is 16 degrees close to the bank (last year reach 23 degrees at max). It is high on the mountain and it's feeds by some streams with cold water, few weeks ago snowed on top of the mountains around the lake as well.

Maybe some little cyprinus as rudds or chubs are due to spawn, they are beginning to gather close tu te banks. The rudds or roach (I'm not able to understand which one of them, maybe both) release the eggs on the rocks close to the bank, the last week end they weren't spawning yet.

The carps spawn in few places around the lake, where there are some submerged trees, the closest it's a bit far from the area I fish.
Never saw a tadpole there, and this is a bonus as you haven't the frogs croak all the night
The problem is that the carps don't eat often on the bottom, they found food in layers.
Posts: 5227
   Old Thread  #28 21 May 2024 at 3.32pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #27
With regards to hemp I'm pretty sure tench will gorge themselves on it should they get given the chance. I was wondering if the Tench might be so pre occupied with the hemp that they're being hooked incidently on the boilie, especially if it's all mixed up.
Posts: 324
   Old Thread  #27 21 May 2024 at 1.42pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #25
When I lived and fished in Austria , I tried many combinations of bait sizes , one lake I fished was stocked with 1 and 2 KG carp every year , the lake does contain carp to over 30kg though , it's just getting through the small ones. I tried 24mm baits without success , I ended up at hand rolled 40mm hookbaits in an effort to try and avoid hooking the smaller carp , however I still caught small carp on the 40mm baits. I came to the conclusion that the only way to fish this lake for the bigger fish was to stalk the fish with one rod and floating dog biscuits.

With regards to hemp I'm pretty sure tench will gorge themselves on it should they get given the chance.
Posts: 5227
   Old Thread  #26 21 May 2024 at 7.47am  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #25
I see your location is Italy, am I right in thinking the fish have spawned already there, with you being in a warmer climate, I know in France they often spawn in April from experience.
Are you near a area where they Carp spawn anyway? You can probably already guess what I'm thinking Could they be pre occupied on Tadpole, other fished eggs etc?
Posts: 276
   Old Thread  #25 19 May 2024 at 7.51pm  0  Login    Register
After the philosophical thought we'll better to come back to the topic

Last night I fished the same swim and, after a really quite night, I had a scattered take and caught a hard fighter little tench. Fished with 24 mms boilie and hooked the smallest tench since April. The tench get hooked while it tried to eat the big bait, the hook has pinched just out the bottom lip.

Yet no signs of carps in the area but there were shoal of chubs patrolling the bank and some rudd with them.
Posts: 276
   Old Thread  #24 19 May 2024 at 7.28pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #23

In angling there's only one thing better than wake up on the bank and warm up your bones with the first sun lights after a long, cold winter night; and that's to catch a carp that same morning
Posts: 5227
   Old Thread  #23 17 May 2024 at 8.10pm  2  Login    Register
In reply to Post #22
The only thing I know for sure is that this year I'll spend more money than the past years. But, at the moment, I 'm enjoying the "static campaign", obviously I hope in a change of fish specie .
I like your attitude, it doesn't have to be about the most, or the biggest fish, just enjoying yourself is surely enough
Angling means different things to different people
Posts: 276
   Old Thread  #22 17 May 2024 at 8.05pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #20
Thanks, I'll need it

I agree with you, I well know that's hard to stop the carps in a specific area. The only thing I know for sure is that this year I'll spend more money than the past years. But, at the moment, I 'm enjoying the "static campaign", obviously I hope in a change of fish specie .
The swim I choose isn't a bad swim at all, it's a really good place to fish, especially in spring and summer months, where in the past some really big carp has been caught. Finger crossed
Posts: 276
   Old Thread  #21 17 May 2024 at 6.47pm  0  Login    Register
In reply to Post #19
You're right in everything, but... but sometimes isn't a bad thing to do some mistakes

I was used to fish in a different way indeed: with few baits around the hook bait, no particles (tried tigers in the past very few times) only boilies. It's because I know well that you can catch a carp there only if you fish where they are eating their natural food (mother nature, as you say) and not cause they are attracted by any baits, this is a gospel on that specific lake.
But this year I want to try a different approach if it's the right or the wrong decision I 'll see at the end of the year.

There are a couple of reasons for this decision, one is to create a feeding area, the arrive of the tench is a signal that it should work. Yes, I caught tench in the past (at max 2/3 per years) but not so much as this year (at least with the tench it's working), plus the tench activity can attract some carps. The other reason is to try to catch some carp that very rarely eat the boilie (the carps we catch are often the sames) and the use of particles is for this specific reason.

A thing I haven't mentioned before is my fishing approach. I don't chuck out buckets of baits when I get to the swim, but I fish with very few baits scattered around, just before leaving I throw out the big amount of the remaining baits on the fishing spot in the hopes that they can remain on the bottom for few days (the use of maize is for this reason, and the add of tiger and, maybe, others particles as peanuts, when the water temps will be warmer) in waits for carps.
Posts: 5227
   Old Thread  #20 17 May 2024 at 1.34pm  0  Login    Register
Trying to create a feeding spot for nomadic Carp can be very hit and miss

I completely agree, in fact I'd go further and say it's pointless trying to stop the mass, you simply won't be able to put enough bait in the area to hold them, and that's even if they want to be in that area, like TC says, not to mention even if you did stop them temporarily they might still prefer to roam once they've had their fill, learnt behaviour/creatures of habit.

I'm not saying I wouldn't do what you're trying to do, it may well throw a nice surprise as it's known some fish are just different in their behaviour to others, quite often the bigger ones.

I guess you've decided not to chase them around the lake which most folk would do, I'd be interested to know how how get on, good luck
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